The retelling of June 6, 1944, from the perspectives of the Germans, US, British, Canadians, and the Free French. Marshall Erwin Rommel, touring the defenses being established as part of the Reich's Atlantic Wall, notes to his officers that when the Allied invasion comes they must be stopped on the beach. "For the Allies as well as the Germans, it will be the longest day"

The true story of how Kara Robinson was kidnapped, assaulted and held captive for 18 hours, 15-year-old Kara Robinson plots a daring escape from a serial killer's apartment.

Industrialist François Delambre is called late at night by his sister-in-law, Helene Delambre, who tells him that she has just killed her husband, André. Reluctant at first, she eventually explains to the police that André invented a matter transportation apparatus and, while experimenting on himself, a fly entered the chamber during the matter transference.

Un student absolvent care cercetează miturile populare îl trezește accidental pe Candyman, un personaj mortal dintr-o legendă urbană locală.

Desperate to repay his debt to his ex-wife, an ex-con plots a heist at his new employer's country home, unaware that a second criminal has also targeted the property, and rigged it with a series of deadly traps.

Based on Wes Craven's 1977 suspenseful cult classic, The Hills Have Eyes is the story of a family road trip that goes terrifyingly awry when the travelers become stranded in a government atomic zone. Miles from nowhere, the Carter family soon realizes the seemingly uninhabited wasteland is actually the breeding ground of a blood-thirsty mutant family...and they are the prey.

O avocata începe să-l suspecteze pe clientul său, care este acuzat de uciderea unei familii aflate în vacan

After picking up a traumatized young hitchhiker, five friends find themselves stalked and hunted by a chainsaw-wielding killer and his family of equally psychopathic killers.

When a motley crew of strangers find themselves trapped in an isolated tavern, they must band together in a battle for survival against a family of flesh-hungry creatures.

Dale Murphy (Henry Rollins) produce si prezinta propria emisiune numita Ultimul supravietuitor: Apocalipsa, cu sase participanti condusi de Nina Papas (Erica Leerhsen), care vor fi lasati impreuna sase zile intr-un tinut post-apocaliptic situat intr-o zona indepartata din Virginia de Vest, iar castigatorul va lua o suta de mii de dolari. Dar emisiunea se transforma intr-un cosmar cand participantii descopera ca sunt vanati de o familie de canibali, care vrea sa-i macelareasca fara mila si sa-i manance.

Freddy enlists Jason to kill on his behalf on Elm Street, after realizing that he can't haunt dreams because people no longer fear him.

Câțiva tineri plecați în drumeție pe celebra Appalachian Trail intră fără să vrea pe teritoriul "Fundației", o comunitate de oameni care trăiesc în acei munți de sute de ani.

Un grup de prieteni pleacă cu snowmobilul într-o excursie în vacanța de iarnă. Fac greșeala de a o lua pe un drum ocolitor și de aici încep problemele. Se rătăcesc și ajung într-un spital abandonat unde pacienții încep să-i vâneze.

A young college professor and his pregnant wife unwittingly release a malevolent entity with murderous intentions.

Un grup de oameni se trezește prins fără ieșire în pădurile din Virginia de Vest. În lupta pentru supraviețuire, nu pădurea nesfârșită și întunecoasă care pare fără ieșire este cel mai mare pericol, ci un grup de canibali mutanți care îi pândește din umbră și începe să-i omoare unul câte unul în cele mai sângeroase moduri.

Four boyhood pals perform a heroic act and are changed by the powers they gain in return. Years later, on a hunting trip in the Maine woods, they're overtaken by a vicious blizzard that harbors an ominous presence. Challenged to stop an alien force, the friends must first prevent the slaughter of innocent civilians by a military vigilante ... and then overcome a threat to the bond that unites the four of them.

Acest film e al doilea prequel al filmului Wrong turn și este continuarea directă a filmului Wrong Turn 4 - Bloody Beginnings. Un mic orașel din West Virginia găzduiește legendarul festival "Mountain man" de Halloween. Astfel se strâng o mulțime de petrecăreți costumați pentru o noapte sălbatică de muzică și băutură. Dar o familia de canibali care a scăpat în partea precedentă distrug distracția când joacă celebrul joc Trick and treat cu un grup de studenți veniți la petrecere.

Brothers John and Matt have inherited an island cabin from their recently deceased uncle. Along with Matt's girlfriend, Nicki, and other mutual friends, the siblings travel to the cabin for a relaxing weekend getaway. But, not long after arriving, the group is besieged by ravenous dogs. They watch in horror as another vacationer, Luke, is eaten alive. Soon, they discover a training facility where the dogs have been bred to kill.

Danny este un tânăr cu probleme emoționale care moștenește un hotel izolat cu un trecut întunecat. În timpul călătoriei spre hotel, prietenii lui Danny sunt uciși unul câte unul de către o familie de canibali criminali. Danny este pe cale de a face o descoperire îngrozitoare despre trecutul său...

When Sawa's mother and policeman father are found victims of a grisly double homicide, she begins a ruthless pursuit for the man who murdered them. With the help of her father's ex-partner, Karl Aker, and a mysterious friend from her past, she becomes a merciless teen assassin, blasting her way through the dark world of human trafficking only to uncover a devastating truth