"Jennifer Lopez: All I Have" was the first concert residency by American entertainer Jennifer Lopez. Performed at Zappos Theater (formerly The AXIS Theater) located in the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, the residency began on January 20, 2016 and concluded on September 29, 2018. The show has received critical acclaim for its production and Lopez's showmanship. The residency grossed $101.9 million after 120 shows, making it the sixth highest-grossing Las Vegas residency of all time, and the top residency by a Latin artist.

In the middle of a broadcast about Typhoon Yolanda's initial impact, reporter Jiggy Manicad was faced with the reality that he no longer had communication with his station. They were, for all intents and purposes, stranded in Tacloban. With little option, and his crew started the six hour walk to Alto, where the closest broadcast antenna was to be found. Letting the world know what was happening to was a priority, but they were driven by the need to let their families and friends know they were all still alive. Along the way, they encountered residents and victims of the massive typhoon, and with each step it became increasingly clear just how devastating this storm was. This was a storm that was going to change lives.

After drinking all night, Monty and his friend try to get home, but it turns out to be not easy. The next day, Monty tries to win the heart of a theater actress.

Tolimoje šalyje, negailestingas valdovas Lordas Farquaad’as į tolimąjį užkampį išvijo visas pasakų būtybes. Valdovui pasipriešinoti sugebėjo trys būtybės: Pirmasis – žalias, smirdintis ogras, tačiau su auksine širdim, vardu Šrekas; jo kilnusis bendražygis, negalintis nutilti, Asilas; ir gražioji, bet „kieta“ princesė Fiona, kurią į žmonas pasiimti nori pats piktasis Duloc’o valdovas.

Tanoso sukeltos ir pasaulį pakeitusios katastrofos padarinius pajuto visi „Keršytojų“ komandos nariai. Tačiau bene didžiausią poveikį šie įvykiai turėjo jaunajam Piteriui Parkeriui (aktorius Tom‘as Holland‘as), patyrusiam asmeninę tragediją. Norėdamas atsigauti po sunkių išgyvenimų, Piteris labai apsidžiaugia galimybe su klasės draugais pakeliauti po Europą. Vis tik vaikinui netenka ramiai pasimėgauti Senojo žemyno teikiamais įspūdžiais ir žaviosios Mišelės (aktorė ir dainininkė Zendaya) kompanija. Žmogaus-voro pagalbos prireikia pačiam Nikui Furiui (akt. Samuel‘is L. Jackson‘as), sunerimusiam dėl naujo paslaptingo superherojaus Kventino Beko (akt. Jake‘as Gyllenhaal‘as). Kas jis – potencialus sąjungininkas ar negailestingas piktadarys? Žmogus-voras gauna pirmąją užduotį, kurią turės atlikti visiškai vienas.

Extreme Rules 2019 is an upcoming professional wrestling pay-per-view and WWE Network event produced by WWE for their Raw and SmackDown brands. It will take place on July 14, 2019 at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It will be the eleventh event under the Extreme Rules chronology.

This is a story about a city guy Nikolai, who will have to go instead of his friend on a rural business trip. A series of funny events, meetings and the beauty of the Yakut village encourage Nikolai to make an important decision in his life…

An absentee father and his bipolar son are forced to live together as they struggle with a recent family tragedy. The tension and anxiety boil as they live and try to cope in a tiny apartment. As time passes, they realize their shared pain is not their only source of grief, as they find the outside world is a cruel and unjust place.

Tintin finds himself involved in a mystery related to a drowned man, a can of crabmeat and a ship called Karaboudjan. After investigating the ship, Tintin discovers that the shipment of cans does not contain exactly crabmeat.

Kuomet Rio de Žaneire Dominykas (akt. Vin Diesel) ir Brajenas (akt. Paul Walker) su trenksmu sugriovė visą nusikaltėlių imperiją, nešinus šimtais milijonų dolerių filmo herojus likimas išmėtė po visą pasaulį. Nepaisant prabangaus gyvenimo, pagrindiniai filmo veikėjai liko gniuždomi nuolatinio gyvenimo bėgime ir galimybės grįžti namo nebuvimo. Tuo metu Hobsas (akt. Dwayne Johnson) vaikosi ypatingai pavojingą nusikaltėlių – samdomų vairuotojų grupuotę, išmėčiusią savo pėdsakus dvylikoje pasaulio šalių. Kaip paaiškėja, vieninteliu būdu sustabdyti nusikaltėlius pasirodo esą galimybė parodyti kas yra tikrieji kelių ereliai. Suvokdamas tai, Hobsas siekia Dominyko palankumo ir pagalbos nusikaltėlių grupuotės, viena kurių, pasirodo, esanti mirusia laikyta Dominyko mylimosios Leti (akt. Michelle Rodriguez), gaudynėse.

Skretas netikėtai suranda galbūt savo būsimą antrąją pusę – evoliucijos keliu šiek tiek toliau pažengusią voverytę skraiduolę ilgomis blakstienomis, vardu Skretė. Mamutas Menis su naująja savo drauge Eli laukiasi mažylio. Kardadantis tigras ima pastebimai nervintis, kad jį visi laiko vos ne namine kate. Sidas, prisižiūrėjęs į savo draugą mamutą, ir pats užsinori sukurti šeimą ir iš to begalinio noro pavagia dinozauro kiaušinį. Žinoma, tai buvo klaida. Herojai priversti leistis į pavojingą kelionę, kad išvaduotų savo draugą iš paslaptingo, nepažįstamo ir bauginančio pasaulio.

Documentary about Fidel Castro, covering 40 years of Cuban Revolution. Rare Fidel Castro footage: he appears swimming with a bodyguard, visiting his childhood home and school, playing with his friend Nelson Mandela, meeting kid Elián Gonzalez, and celebrating his birthday with the Buena Vista Social Club group.

Fa Mulan gets the surprise of her young life when her love, Captain Li Shang asks for her hand in marriage. Before the two can have their happily ever after, the Emperor assigns them a secret mission, to escort three princesses to Chang'an, China. Mushu is determined to drive a wedge between the couple after he learns that he will lose his guardian job if Mulan marries into the Li family.

A case of mistaken identity results in unexpected romance when the most popular girl in high school and the biggest loser must come together to win over their crushes.

Amerikietis astronautas Brentas leidžiasi į kelionę, kad surastų savo kolegą Džordžą Teilorą. Sekdamas jo skrydžio trajektoriją, jis patenka į planetą, panašią į Žemę. Tik Brentas nežino, kad jis nėra kitoje planetoje: iš tiesų tai Žemė ateityje, Žemė, kurią valdo beždžionės, norinčios išžudyti visus ten likusius žmones. Dabar Brentas turi rasti būdą, kaip išsigelbėti, tačiau tai nebus taip lengva.

Musha, Knight, Commando: SD Gundam Emergency Sortie, features the three Gundams and a young girl named Riplin joining together to fight evil. (Source: myanimelist.net)

David McDoll is a selfish and wealthy man living an enviable lifestyle in his large villa and collecting fancy cars. However, his life is about to be changed forever when he inherits his six grandchildren. His glamorous lifestyle quickly becomes complete chaos. But he will learn a valuable lesson that teaches him about placing family first and discovering a newfound appreciation for life.

Antonio and Beba are a pair of panda bears besieged by the classic obstacles of a young couple. Their life together is defined by routine, until one day they are forced to live with their favorite singer.

After a young man's premonition of a deadly race-car crash helps saves the lives of his peers, Death sets out to collect those who evaded their end.

After long and mature reflections, Hassan and Ilham resolved to acquire their own accommodation, to finally free themselves from the weight of family cohabitation. Not having enough financial resources, the couple decides to take out a loan from Hamza their brother-in-law. A solution that will cost them dearly, because after taking the plunge, the two lovebirds realise as a couple that by signing this deal, they have somehow signed a pact with the devil... The nest that was supposed to bring them peace and quiet. Stability becomes the source of their troubles. Overnight, their dream turns into a nightmare...