After facing an irresistible change, what is she? Still him? Two women with different personalities have unexpectedly become the best sisters - He Xizhen, Liu Wanting, who like the above students at the same time, but in fact Wen Haosheng has long noticed Liu Wanting, in the hope of his friend, Yu Ting When the twins entered the relationship, the three also formed an intimate triangular relationship until an accident caused Wan Ting to discover that she had a double sexuality, and at this moment she must choose to live as one of the genders. Wan Ting unexpectedly refused to let the twins and Xi Zhen get caught off guard. After many years, Xi Zhen and the twins appeared a pure-looking boy, Liu Ting.

Dr. Steven Greer’s previous works, SIRIUS and UNACKNOWLEDGED, broke crowdfunding records and ignited a grassroots movement. CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FIFTH KIND features groundbreaking video and photographic evidence and supporting interviews from prominent figures such as Adam Curry of Princeton’s PEAR Lab; legendary civil rights attorney Daniel Sheehan, and Dr. Russell Targ, who headed the CIA’s top secret remote viewing program. Their message: For thousands of people, contact has begun. This is their story.

Wyatt Earp, člověk, který se již za svého života stal legendou, se na svém koni proháněl Amerikou v tom nejdramatičtějším a nejúchvatnějším období - v čase dobývání Divokého západu. Spolu se svými bratry křižoval nehostinné pláně amerického Západu a z nevinného, odvážného mladíka milujícího dobrodružství vyrůstal v jednoho z nejobávanějších pistolníků, ale také nejuznávanějších ochránců klidu a míru na celém západním území. V jedné téměř zapomenuté bitvě u O.K. Corral se ze šerifa Wyatta Earpa stává Earp mstitel - a jeho život se navždy mění...

The hero Fong Sai Yuk becomes involved in the secret brotherhood "The Red Flower", who are trying to overthrow the Manchurian emperor and re-establishing the Ming dynasty. The social upheaval is combined with Sai Yuk's personal moral conflict about how to conform to the rigid regime of the brotherhood and on top of that sort out his difficult love life, saddled with two presumptive wives.

Burglary. Drugs. Assault. Rape. The students at Brandel High are more than new Principal Rick Latimer bargained for. Gangs fight to control the school using knives - even guns - when they have to. When Latimer and the head of security try to clean up the school and stop the narcotics trade, they run up against a teenage mafia. A violent confrontation on the campus leads to a deadly showdown with the drug dealer's gang, and one last chance for Latimer to save his career... and his life.

Berlin, the Prenzlauer Berg district. Daniel is a movie star accustomed to success. His loft apartment is stylish and so is his wife, and the nanny has the children under control. Everything is tip-top, bilingual and ready for him to jet off to an audition in London where a role in an American superhero film awaits the celebrated German-Spanish actor. Popping into the local bar on the corner, he finds Bruno sitting there. As transpires by the minute, Bruno has been waiting for this moment for a long time. And so this eternally overlooked man – one of reunification's losers and a victim of the gentrification of what was once East Berlin – takes his revenge. With Daniel as his target...

A visiting city reporter's assignment suddenly revolves around the murder trial of a local millionaire, whom he befriends.

A young woman witnesses a bus accident, and is caught up in the aftermath, where the question of whether or not it was intentional affects many people's lives.

In North Africa, German Field Marshal Rommel and his troops have successfully fended off British forces, and now intend to take Tobruk, an important port city. A ramshackle group of Australian reinforcements sent to combat the Germans is put under the command of British Captain MacRoberts. The unruly Aussies immediately clash with MacRoberts, a gruff, strict disciplinarian, however this unorthodox team must band together to protect Tobruk from the German forces.

V dôsledku globálneho otepľovania sa roztopili polárne ľadovce a všetky kontinenty sa ocitli pod vodou. Samotársky Námorník je jedným z tých, ktorý sa adaptoval, za ušami mu narástli žiabre. Odhalili ho ako mutanta a uväznili. Plávajúcu plošinu, akési „vodné mesto“, však napadnú a jemu sa podarí ujsť s Helen a jej nevlastnou dcérkou Enolou. Na chrbte Enoly je vytetované zvláštne znamenie – medzi ľuďmi, čo prežili, totiž koluje legenda o pevnej zemi a znamenie by ich k nej mohlo doviesť. Novodobí vodní piráti pod vedením neľútostného Deacona, ich však napadnú a Enolu unesú.

Keďže Robert Scott je v špionážnom svete špičkový odborník, poveria ho úlohou do 48 hodín zistiť, kam zmizla bez stopy prezidentova dcéra Laura. V spolupráci s tímom zloženým z prezidentových poradcov, FBI a CIA sa Scott a jeho asistent Curtis snažia zistiť, či bola Laura unesená z politických dôvodov alebo sa stala obeťou obchodu s bielym mäsom. Skôr, než Scott stihne odletieť do Dubaja, objaví sa správa, že z mora bolo vytiahnuté telo Laury a profesora, s ktorým mala údajne milostný pomer. Obaja však veria, že dievča ešte žije, že niekto vie o prípade viac a čosi chystá. Rozhodnú sa preto pátrať na vlastnú päsť, chcú Lauru zachrániť a zistiť, prečo sa niekto pokúsil fingovať jej smrť.

A young Arab-American girl struggles with her sexual obsession, a bigoted Army reservist, and her strict father during the Gulf War.

Kuzlo Avataru a akcie Hviezdnych vojen. Animovany sci-fi film Bitka o planetu Terra vysiel cele dva roky pred celosvetovym hitom Avatar, pritom mu moze smelo konkurovat i dnes! Originalny pribeh o planete, ktoru chce ludstvo kolonizovat, ale miestny druh se tomu brani, je doplneny o hravu animaciu plnu fantastickych napadov. Naviac ho doprevadza dokonala hudba. Nenechajte si ujst ozajstnu udalost vo svete sci-fi a nechajte sa okuzlit uzasnym svetom planety Terra!

Posledných deväť dní života zostáva štvorici nie práve obvyklých nájomných zabijakov, ktorí boli tajne zjednotení do smrtonosnej údernej jednotky, aby pod kamuflážnou maskou rozdrvili morovú sieť drogových priekupníkov. Za chladnokrvnými fasádami týchto mužov sa však skrývajú osamotené a stratené duše volajúce po spáse. A tá nakoniec skutočne prichádza, len v dosť nečakanej podobe. Počas svojej misie prejdú tými najhoršími nočnými morami, ktoré si človek dokáže predstaviť, a postavia sa tvárou v tvár svojim najukrytejším démonom, ale rovnako tak narazia aj na malé osirelé dievčatko. A dievčatino vyslobodenie z pazúrov kšeftárov s narkotikami natrvalo otočí ich životy o stoosemdesiat stupňov a umožní im konečne ukázať aj to, čo sa skrýva za ich nemilosrdnými zovňajškami. Ľudia, ktorí si muža najali, ale nie sú z tohto stretnutia vôbec nadšení a začínajú cítiť, že je misia v ohrození. Preto vynesú nad štvoricou rozsudok smrti.

Anglo-Indian Victoria Jones seeks her true identity amid the chaos of the British withdrawal from India.

Pressured by a greedy uncle and a pile of debt, lovable loser Steve Barker resorts to an unthinkable, contemptible, just-crazy-enough-to-work scheme. He pretends to be mentally challenged to rig the upcoming Special Olympics and bring home the gold. But when Steve's fellow competitors get wise to the con, they inspire him to rise to the greatest challenge of all: becoming a better person.

A tough female reporter and her cameraman boyfriend team up with a four-man commando unit in the New Guinea jungle whom are fighting flesh-eating zombies.

As the world succumbs to a zombie apocalypse, Cole - a hardened mercenary - is chasing the one person who can provide a cure. Not only to the plague but to Cole's own incumbent destiny.

The film follows three young characters of different social status, possessed by love for the wrong person. During the day and night, after a series of tragicomic, sometimes absurd situations they are going through, their paths intersect. The fanatical pursuit of the object of his obsession, all three end up in a suspicious night club in one last attempt to fulfill their dreams. Download the movie of the need to fulfill, regardless of the consequences. This film is dedicated to all the people in love and those who have not understood why. Film defend their dignity, to the end, despite everything.

When a renegade military reject puts new superweapons in dangerous hands, John Henry Irons becomes Steel. Wearing body armor, wielding a fearsome electrohammer and riding a gadget-packed motorcycle, he's ready to wage war... if he can fix the untimely glitches in his untested gear.