A Chicago lawyer embraces his undying faith when his teenage son is accused of murdering a classmate.
自古相传,应龙一族保护着天下的风调雨顺,守龙者和他们命运相连,守护着自然与和平。然而现世却仅剩被囚禁的两条龙,与最后一个守龙者——萍。为了拯救误入龙窟的仓鼠伙伴花花,萍铤而走险深入洞穴,与丹紫、露雨的相遇意外解开了她的真实身份,觉醒了她的守龙者能量。萍也收到了严峻的任务——将世间最后一颗龙蛋送往化龙池孵化,一人一龙的冒险成长之旅就此开启。 故事改编自澳大利亚作家Carole Wilkinson的同名奇幻小说。
莎朗修女(简·西蒙斯 Jean Simmons 饰)正在进行她巡回传道的旅程,在途中,她遇见了名为埃尔默(伯特·兰卡斯特 Burt Lancaster 饰)的男子。埃尔默是一个精明狡猾的投机分子,在莎朗修女的身上,他看到了商机。 以在海边建立教堂为由头,埃尔默说服了莎朗和他一起赚钱,很快,单纯天真的莎朗就不可自持的爱上了埃尔默,甚至为他献上了本应该献给上帝的身体。可是没过多久,埃尔默就厌倦了莎朗,狠心的将她抛弃了。露露(雪莉·琼斯 Shirley Jones 饰)是牧师的女儿,在得知了莎朗的悲惨遭遇后她深表同情和愤怒。为了报复埃尔默,露露想出了一连串的计谋,并且最终令埃尔默身败名裂。
When an overly serious scholar attends a Jane Austen annual conference, she strikes a deal with the man playing Mr. Darcy and finds her perspective, and her heart, changed.
A farm family moves into a city maybe at the end of the Spanish Civil War. They move in with the sister of the farmers wife. In the city everything is illegal or immoral or both.
Members of the Camorra on the run and actors seeking for authority meet after a shipwreck on an island-prison. The theatre turns into a free zone where everyone may not be able to recover their social role but for sure their humanity. Somebody can even get love back. Shakespeare and Eduardo De Filippo blend together in a picaresque comedy full of coup de théâtre.
In this interactive adventure, Barbie goes on a cross-country trek with friends and makes big decisions about the future. Which dream will she choose?
Fight for Your Right Revisited stars Danny McBride, Seth Rogen, and Elijah Wood as the "young" Beastie Boys from the past and Jack Black, John C. Reilly, and Will Ferrell as the "old" Beastie Boys from the future. The story begins where the video for "Fight for Your Right (1987)" ended. It features music from the band's album Hot Sauce Committee Part Two.
改编自德国犹太间谍史黛拉‧戈德施拉格充满争议的一生,她在二战期间协助纳粹盖世太保追捕躲藏在柏林的同胞,而她亮丽的外貌与狠毒的手法,让她留下了「金发毒药」外号。正值青春年华的史黛拉(宝拉贝尔 饰)在柏林纳粹统治的阴影下长大,有着金发碧眼与天籁歌喉的她,是学校里每个男孩的迷恋对象。她梦想成为一名爵士女伶;然而随着纳粹的种族清洗手段越加激进,史黛拉的歌手梦宿命般地破碎,她必须与母亲托妮(卡嘉瑞曼饰)和父亲格尔德(卢卡斯米可饰)四处藏匿,过着不见天日的生活。但史黛拉一家被他人出卖,终于还是被盖世太保抓获,受到残酷刑求。为了保全自己与父母的性命,她被迫成为纳粹同路人,痛苦地供出犹太人的藏身处。与此同时,史黛拉认识了以贩卖假证件维生的罗尔夫(杰尼斯纽沃纳饰),两人很快陷入热恋,罗尔夫的出现勾出了史黛拉心中的恶,看似亡命鸳鸯的两人,在时代巨轮的推动下,互相依偎却又互相利用,只求能在残酷的世界中活下去……
A green-skinned demon places a woman and two courtiers into a flaming cauldron.
《The Humans》以曼哈顿市中心的复式公寓为背景,讲述了布莱克一家起庆祝感恩节的夜晚所发生的事。随着黑暗在摇摇欲坠的建筑物沉浸中,神秘的事情开始在黑夜中发生了。
Louie Kritski is a heartless landlord who has been so negligent in keeping up his ghetto apartment that he is threatened with jail time. The judge gives him another option -- he must live in his rat-infested hell hole until he brings it up to liveable standards.
To save the family land from a mysterious millionaire, a farmer hatches a plan to marry off his two children so they can take over the business.
Craig Alexander, a con-man "psychic" on the carnival circuit receives the opportunity to pilfer some legendary rubies in Kenya. His luck holds and he winds up the sole beneficiary of the ill-gotten wealth, which he parlays into an astrological broadcasting empire. But once he reaches the top, there's only one direction he can go...