Moscow, January 1996. Boris Yeltsin gets ready to run for a second mandate of the presidency of the young Russian Federation. Polls are in the single digits. A painful economic transition, war in Chechnya, and the rise of criminal groups have left the majority of Russians dissatisfied with Yeltsin… and willing to vote for the communist leader Gennady Zyuganov. Yet six months later, Yeltsin won the election with nearly 54% of the vote. How did that happen?

Nino is a quiet outcast with only a bird for a friend. Kira is a popular boy with a big secret. Even though they live next to each other, they have never spoken. But when Nino learns Kira's secret, everything begins to change, and what starts as a hesitant friendship grows into something more… but how long can it last?

John tells the story of a young male, a psychiatric hospital patient who witnesses the death of another Black male patient at the hands of white staff. Blurring the boundaries between fact and fiction, this work draws from real life cases of mentally ill Black men who have died as a result of excessive force of the State.

Georgia mala odmalička jeden jediný sen – stať sa požiarničkou ako jej otec. Žiaľ v New Yorku v roku 1920 ženy toto povolanie nesmeli vykonávať. Keď mestskí hasiči začnú jeden po druhom miznúť pri záhadných požiaroch, ktoré zničili divadlá na Broadway, Georgia si uvedomí, že toto je jej šanca. Prezlečie sa za chlapca, nalepí si fúzy a pod menom Joe sa prihlási do skupiny dobrovoľných hasičov, ktorá ma za úlohu zastaviť tajomného podpaľača. Georgia však nesmie za nijakých okolností prezradiť svoju pravú identitu, pretože by to to mohlo ohroziť celú túto nebezpečnú misiu, ktorej navyše velí jej otec.

Somewhere between Montmartre and Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Jean-Jacques Sempé and René Goscinny lean over a large white sheet of paper and bring to life a mischievous and endearing boy, Little Nicolas. From schoolyard games and fights to summer camp pranks and camaraderie, Nicolas lives a merry and enriching childhood – and brings friendship and newfound life to his creators, too.

Nikolaj je vojnový pilot, ktorý sa so svojím lietadlom snaží znížiť počet nacistických lietadiel a zároveň zametať cestu pozemným jednotkám. Je však zostrelený a musí bojovať o život v lese. Je na pokraji svojich síl a okrem Nemcov musí bojovať aj s hladnými vlkmi. S veľmi vážnymi zraneniami ho nájde miestny farmár, ktorý ho vezme domov a dá ho ošetriť plukovníkovi. Nikolajovi sú v pätách nacistické jednotky vedené ich veliteľom. Vzal si za úlohu vypátrať pilota na úteku. Nenájde ho u chalupára, ale dá si dve a dve dohromady a zistí, kde sa skrýva. Našťastie sa Nikolajovi podarí dostať sa ďalej. Vojaci ich však nakoniec vystopujú a Nikolaj v nestráženej chvíli zastrelí veliteľa. Potom sa vďaka plukovníkovi dostane do nemocnice. Má obojstranný zápal pľúc, mnoho rán a príde o obe nohy. Nevzdáva sa a cvičí, dobre sa stravuje a snaží sa byť fit aj s protézami.

An experimental film through the eyes of a man

The story follows a simple family whose young son, Zeko, wins the opportunity to participate in a contest for Egypt's smartest child. As they set out to attend the contest, many paradoxes happen to them during the two-day trip

Early morning silence is broken by screeching tires as a helicopter bears down on a speeding vehicle. Taking a quick corner, the team tumbles out into the woods as their car pulls away. Now they must make their way through the thick of nature and thick gunfire to accomplish their mission. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the entire film. Instead, the music, sounds, images and deeply truthful acting turn a simple plot into an intense experience. Passion and intrigue keep building to the very end.

Joseph a Callie sú už rok na farme v Petalume, víno z ich vinohradu - vďaka Mannymu - získalo popularitu, ich podnikanie je úspešné. Zomrela len Calliina matka Wendy, ktorá mala rakovinu. Opäť sa blížia Vianoce a Joseph požiada Callie o ruku. Čoskoro sa dozvedá, že jeho matka sa rozhodla nasledovať príklad svojho syna a nasledovať volanie svojho srdca, utiekla so svojím inštruktorom jogy a chod podniku v San Franciscu je teraz na ňom. Josephovi nezostáva nič iné, len rýchlo nasadnúť do helikoptéry a odletieť do San Francisca. Callie berie so sebou. Ubytujú sa v hoteli Aston, ktorý vlastní spoločnosť Van Aston Enterprises, a Joseph Callie zasype luxusom. Callie zároveň spoznáva jeho stránku, ktorú predtým nepoznala. Nie je nadšená zo zlatej mládeže, ktorou sa Joseph kedysi obklopoval a ktorá - najmä dievčatá - ho teraz nadšene víta späť. Od začiatku si nepadne do oka s Vicky, ktorá bola pravou rukou Josephovej matky a mala viesť podnik v jej neprítomnosti.

A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.

Rich and powerful Simon Qing has been schooled in the ways of sex by his virile father, but is still a virgin. That is, until he meets his first love Violetta who has fun with him all over his father’s estate. Their love does not last, so Simon embarks on a journey. Along the way he meets the comely nun Moon whom Simon deflowers and then marries. He then becomes enamored of Golden Lotus but she is married to dwarf Wu Da-Lang.

When four thick-as-thieves friends arrive in Thailand, they quickly find themselves in over their heads. Fighting to stay alive, they employ their unique set of skills and unleash their fierce loyalty in a heart-pumping battle for survival.

Koyomi Hidaka and Shiori Sato meet at his father’s research center and begin to fall in love, but so do their parents, who eventually marry. To avoid becoming stepsiblings, they decide to run away to a parallel universe. Traveling between dimensions is common in their world, but not without repercussions. Does a universe exist for the young couple, and what will it cost them to find it?

In a post-apocalyptic future, mankind is color blind. A brilliant scientist suddenly dies, leaving his precious briefcase-filled with a highly-addictive synthetic drug that allows people to see colors again-to Ana, a mere 12-year-old girl. Possession of the briefcase makes her the target of a doctor with wicked plans for the drug, and her only hope to escape his pursuit relies on the aid of the dead scientist's two devoted bodyguards. Together, their epic, perilous journey pivots on a tremendous secret: Ana herself could be the key to salvaging a world in ruins.

Beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Lieutenant Adi Sharipov, together with his platoon, cover the retreat of the regimental headquarters and remain surrounded, behind enemy lines. The enemy drives the squad into the swamp. Fear of the unknown, despondency and doubt haunt the fighters until they realize that waiting and inaction will destroy the squad faster than enemy bullets.

Several little boys run along a pier, then jump into the ocean.

Let’s get SICK’NING for the Holidays! RuPaul’s Drag Race legend Laganja Estanja is here for Hey Qween’s Very Green Christmas Special!

A man is imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. When his wife is murdered and his son kidnapped and taken to Mexico, he devises an elaborate and dangerous plan to rescue his son and avenge the murder.

A novelist, Rahul, meets Jui and is allured by the way her life shapes up. Played by Rituparna Sengupta, Jui takes a huge step by moving to Kolkata following the demise of her parents. While in Kolkata, she begins to work as a bar singer in the city and there she meets Rajesh Sharma. The two get married, however, things get worse for her as she is forced into the world of prostitution and goes on to become an escort. Rahul, a novelist, meets her and pens her entire story which is very different from that of an ordinary girl.