When her young son Minato starts to behave strangely, single mother Saori knows that there is something wrong. Discovering that one of his teachers might be responsible, she storms into the school demanding answers. But as the story unfolds through the eyes of mother, teacher and child, shocking truths begin to emerge.

HBO presents one of the most gifted and revered performers of our time, Academy-Award winning Robin Williams, starring in his fifth exclusive HBO special, taped before a live audience at Washington's Constitution Hall.

A documentary on the electric guitar from the point of view of three significant rock musicians: the Edge, Jimmy Page and Jack White.

O legenda japoneza spune ca Ronin este numele generic al acelor samurai fara maestru. In acest film de exceptie, acest cuvant reprezinta supranumele unei grupari proscrise. Membrii acesteia sunt experti marginalizati de societate. Experti in orice, de la crime, lovituri, jafuri, pana la deturnari, spionaj. Nici o faradelege nu le este necunoscuta. Onorariul lor este cel mai piperat din bransa infractorilor de calibru mare, dar calitatea serviciilor oferite este desavarsita. Mercenarii Ronin – majoritatea, fosti membri ai serviciilor secrete - sunt angajati de un personaj misterios pentru a fura o servieta foarte bine pazita. Continutul misterios al acesteia este pe cale sa fie vandut de catre pazitorul ei unei filiere rusesti. Dupa ce misiunea este indeplinita cu succes, intre ronini incep sa apara disensiunile care degenereaza in tradari si lichidari. Cand unul dintre ronini inlocuieste servieta cu alta identica, toate planurile sunt date peste cap

After a team of surgeons botches his beloved wife's operation, the distraught Dr. Phibes unleashes a score of Old-Testament atrocities on his enemies.

In 1944 Poland, a Jewish shop keeper named Jakob is summoned to ghetto headquarters after being caught out after curfew. While waiting for the German Kommondant, Jakob overhears a German radio broadcast about Russian troop movements. Returned to the ghetto, the shopkeeper shares his information with a friend and then rumors fly that there is a secret radio within the ghetto.

A rich man's daughter is held captive in an abandoned apartment by two former convicts who abducted her and hold her ransom in exchange for her father's money.

After bowler Roy Munson swindles the wrong crowd and is left with a hook for a hand, he settles into impoverished obscurity. That is, until he uncovers the next big thing: an Amish kid named Ishmael. So, the corrupt and the hopelessly naive hit the circuit intent on settling an old score with Big Ern.

După ce aproape moare în timpul unei colonoscopii de rutină, Bertram Pincus, un dentist irascibil din Manhattan, dezvoltă abilitatea nedorită de a vedea oameni morți.

Alice, fostă investigatoare CIA, lucrează sub acoperire în Londra. E reticentă în a se întoarce la fostul ei job, deoarece în ultima ei anchetă a eșuat, neputând opri un atac terorist ce a provocat zeci de victime. Cu toate acestea, un posibil atac cu arme biologice asupra Londrei, o face să se răzgândească. Această decizie, însă, pare că a fost rezultatul unui joc de culise, abil condus din umbră de cel pe care trebuie să îl prindă, fără nicio întârziere. Iar timpul nu ține cu ea.

A bitter battle is fought between Australian and Japanese soldiers along the Kokoda trail in New Guinea during World War II.

For the first time, you will see dramatic moments of WWII that were captured in 3D with stereographs and then shuttered away in secret archives and attics, until now. This stunning collection of color 3D photos includes Allied reconnaissance photos, a trove of images that documents the rise and fall of the Third Reich, and photos secretly taken by a civilian in occupied France. WWII IN 3D also features an actual 3D motion picture film shot by the Nazis in 1943 and creates a fully immersive, three dimensional portrait of history's largest and bloodiest conflict.

Deep in the heart of the English countryside lies the enchanting village of Gladbury. Legend has it every 25 years an angel visits the village candlemaker and touches a single candle. Whoever lights this candle receives a miracle on Christmas Eve. But in 1890, at the dawn of the electric age, this centuries old legend may come to an end.

Urcându-se la bordul mamutului lor vehicul de agrement pentru o excursie rutieră în Munții Stâncoși din Colorado, familia Munro – condusă de patriarhul disfuncțional, Bob – se pregătește pentru aventura vieții. Dar petrecerea a două săptămâni împreună într-un spațiu foarte mic are un mod de a le îngrădi stilul.

Suburbicon este o comunitate din suburbie, liniștită și fericită, cu grădini și case îngrijite… locul perfect pentru a trăi împreună cu familia, iar în vara anului 1959, familia Lodge exact asta făcea. Dar liniștea aparentă ascunde o realitate tulburătoare. Soț și tată, Gardner Logde (Matt Damon) va trebui să supraviețuiască celor mai violente și decadente părți ale orașului. O poveste imprevizibilă despre oameni care greșesc și fac alegeri nepotrivite. Acesta este Suburbicon.

In the midst of his crumbling relationship, a radio show host begins speaking to his biggest fan—a young boy—via the telephone. But when questions about the boy's identity come up, the host's life is thrown into chaos.

After being falsely accused of stealing the budget for their annual cocktail cruise, three very different fraternity brothers are kicked out of their dorm. In order to clear their name and to secure their future careers, the three dress up in drag and pledge the sorority next door where they learn a few valuable - and hilarious - lessons about themselves and the female species.

O psiholoagă de copii se îndoiește de propria luciditate când, în miezul iernii, rămâne blocată alături de fiul ei paralizat în casa lor izolată din Noua Anglie.

Guillaume Canet is told by a young co-star that he's no longer Rock'n' Roll and can't sell films anymore. He then tries to prove her wrong and gets help from his girlfriend, Marion Cotillard.

UN agents Mike Graham and Sabrina Carver are sent by their director Nick Caldwell to investigate the theft of Rembrandt's painting, "The Night Watch". The trail takes them from Amsterdam to Hong Kong and involves them in not only art theft and forgery, but the high-tech schemes of Martin Schraeder and his Korean cohort Mao Yixin