Augusto and Paulina have been together for 25 years. Eight years ago, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Both fear the day he no longer recognizes her.

It’s 1965 and Lia, a spirited young woman living in a small Sicilian town, is initially attracted to Lorenzo, the son of the most prominent (and possibly Mafia-tied) local family. His possessiveness eventually repels her. But soon after, he appears with his cronies to kidnap, rape and force her into a shotgun marriage, all with the collusion of the town’s authorities. Lia and her family refuse to accept this barbaric ‘tradition’ and, despite the constant intimidation and violence, they take their fight for Lia’s rights to court.

Anaïs und Emma stammen aus grundverschiedenen Milieus. Trotz ihrer Unterschiede sind die beiden Freundinnen unzertrennlich. "Teenager" zeichnet ein Gesellschaftsporträt Frankreichs und begleitet die Heranwachsenden über fünf Jahre hinweg im Alter zwischen 13 und 18 Jahren – einer Zeit voller Veränderungen und erster Male.

Paris im Jahre 1942. Der egoistische, abgebrühte Kunst- und Antiquitätenhändler Robert Klein ist ein eiskalter Geschäftsmann. Da die französische Hauptstadt von den deutschen Truppen besetzt ist, nutzt er die Gunst der Stunde und beutet die verunsicherte, übrig gebliebene jüdische Bevölkerung aus, wo es nur geht. Die in finanzielle Not geratenen Unterdrückten wenden sich an ihn, um ihr Hab und Gut noch für ein bisschen Geld zu versetzen, welches sie so dringend zum Überleben brauchen. Profitgierig kauft Klein den Juden das Eigentum zu einem Spottpreis ab, um selbst damit zu verdienen. Als sein Name eines Tages in der Abonnentenliste einer jüdischen Zeitung erscheint, gerät der Händler in den Fokus der Nazischergen. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt bekommt Klein die ganze grausame Macht des totalitären Regimes zu spüren.

The Night of San Lorenzo, the night of the shooting stars, is the night when dreams come true in Italian folklore. In 1944, a group of Italians flee their town after hearing rumours that the Nazis plan to blow it up and that the Americans are about to arrive to liberate them.

The great theater director Federico Landi Porrini is looking for his Romeo and Juliet for the opera that should definitively consecrate his prestige and end his career. Vittoria stands out among the candidates, but she is excluded because of a shadow on her past. Determined to get a role in the play anyway, and with the complicity of her makeup artist friend, the young actress decides to try again under a false identity to prove all her talent. That's how she turns into Eight November, offers herself for the role of Romeo and gets the part. It does not seem so complicated for her to play someone else, both on stage and behind the scenes, even when her boyfriend is chosen to play the role of Mercutio. However, dressing as a man will allow her to discover a lot about herself, but more importantly about the people around her.

In Anselm zeichnet Wim Wenders das Porträt eines der innovativsten und bedeutendsten bildenden Künstler unserer Zeit: Anselm Kiefer. Gedreht in 3D und in einer Auflösung von 6K erlaubt der Film seinem Publikum eine filmische Reise durch das Werk eines Künstlers, dessen Kunst die menschliche Existenz und die zyklische Natur der Geschichte erforscht, inspiriert von Literatur und Poesie, Geschichte, Philosophie, Wissenschaft, Mythologie und Religion. Mehr als zwei Jahre lang folgte Wenders den Spuren Kiefers und verknüpft in seinem Film die Lebensstationen und Schaffensorte einer mehr als fünf Jahrzehnte umspannenden Karriere zwischen Kiefers Heimatland Deutschland und Frankreich, seiner heutigen kreativen Heimat.

Ärztin, Pädagogin, Mutter: die weltberühmte Maria Montessori lebte ein selbstbestimmtes, aber auch dramatisches Leben. Das in leuchtenden Farben inszenierte Drama erzählt von einer unfassbar starken und klugen Frau, die alles will und mit ihrem eigenen Leben auch das Geschick der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft für immer verändert.

Uganda has one the youngest populations in the world and one of its most flagrantly anti-democratic governments. These are ingredients for revolution, and Bobi Wine and his wife Barbie Kyagulanyi are stirring the pot. When the charismatic Bobi, a musician and member of parliament, announces his campaign for president, Uganda’s youth are ecstatic, filling parks and streets for every speech, and singing Bobi’s anthems of peace and freedom. But then comes the crackdown, orchestrated by Yoweri Museveni, a brutal dictator who has ruled Uganda for 36 years. Bobi and his crew survive arrests, beatings, torture, riots and raids.

Berlin, Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. Alexander Hoffmann ist ein ehrgeiziger Ethnologie-Doktorand an der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität. In der deutschen Kolonie Deutsch-Südwestafrika wird er Zeuge des Völkermords an den Herero und Nama. Dabei übertritt er auch die eigenen moralischen Grenzen.

Julien, a young teacher, is wrongfully accused of sexual misconduct by a teenage girl from his class. As he faces mounting pressures from the girl’s older brother and her classmates, the situation spirals out of control. Allegations spread, the entire school is thrown into turmoil, and the teacher has to fight to clear his name.

Das Leben von Jo Idstad ist eine einzige Problemzone: Seine hypervorsichtige Mutter nervt ihn mit ihrer ständigen Angst, ihm könne was zustoßen, Klassenkamerad Tom Erik zwingt ihn täglich, seine Hausaufgaben zu machen, und auch im Fußballtor ist der Dreizehnjährige eine absolute Katastrophe. Einzige Freude empfindet er bei der Jagd auf die begehrteste und seltenste aller Fußballsammelkarten: die vom Torwart des FC Liverpool! Doch dann taucht eines Tages die hübsche, Fußball-begeisterte und schlaue Mari in seiner Klasse auf, und auf einmal ist alles andere unwichtig. Doch wie soll er - ein ewiger Loser, der allen Problemen konsequent aus dem Weg geht - ihr Herz gewinnen? Eine neue Strategie muss her! Und so setzt Jo alles daran, die eine Sammelkarte zu bekommen, die ihn zum Siegertypen macht - die von "The Liverpool Goalie"!

A wooden puppet who desperately wants to fit in makes an ill-fated wish upon a star, sparking a journey of self-discovery.

Donya, a lonely Afghan refugee and former translator, spends her twenties drifting through a meager existence in Fremont, California. Shuttling between her job writing fortunes for a fortune cookie factory and sessions with her eccentric therapist, Donya suffers from insomnia and survivor's guilt over those still left behind in Kabul as she desperately searches for love.

France, 1870s. Rosalie is a young woman unlike any other. She hides a secret: she was born with a face and body covered in hair. She’s concealed her peculiarity all her life to stay safe, shaving to fit in. Until Abel, an indebted bar owner unaware of her secret, marries Rosalie for her dowry. Will Abel be able to love Rosalie and see her as the woman she is, once he finds out the truth?

In Marseille, Rosa, 60, dedicated her life to family and politics with the same sense of duty. Everyone considers her unwavering, until the day she falls in love with Henri. For the first time, Rosa is afraid to commit. Between the pressure of his family, politics and a desire to indulge in her feelings, the conflict is difficult to sustain.

Gabrielle has just joined a prestigious news program. With no formal training, she must prove herself and find her place among an experienced team of special correspondents. In the heat of the action, she will learn the language and the code of these reporters, who are always passionate, often funny, and sometimes scarred by life and their profession. And then there’s Vincent, the program’s editor-in-chief, who she can’t help challenging...

Kabir and his family's fun weekend retreat takes terrifying turn when an intruder takes over the control of the body of his teenage daughter, putting her at the mercy of his increasingly sinister orders.

Altiero Molino is a twenty-six-year-old digital entrepreneur who’s returning to Ventotene with his model husband in order to gather his old friends together around his ailing father so as to treat him to one last holiday in this place which is so special to him. He didn’t expect to find the island all abuzz with Sabry Mazzalupi’s marriage to her partner Cesare. This young woman, who’s the awkward daughter of Roman shopkeeper Ruggero, has become an online celebrity and her wedding is a global event attracting the media as well as mysterious emissaries from the new political regime. These two tribes of vacationers, two seemingly irreconcilable sides of Italy, are destined to come together during the Ferragosto holiday for an ultimate showdown.