Laff Riot (2010)
Murder: Joint Enterprise (2012)
Emergency! (1972)
Scary Tales: Night Elevator (1988)
Very Important House (2016)
The Quest (1976)
Psyko Ferret (2000)
Bagboy! (2002)
Junkyard Teddies (2005)
Ziptronik Megablast (2015)
Universal Brawlers of the Universe (2018)
Marcus Welby, M.D.: A Matter of Humanities (1969)
The Blue Knight (1975)
Kate McShane (1975)
Swaroop: Bovine Bliss (2001)
Sailor Moon (1994)
Roller Palace (2006)
Ready for the People (1964)
The Snoop Sisters (1972)
Lookwell (1991)