寻找林昭的灵魂 (2004)
Las doce sillas (1962)
八九点钟的太阳 (2003)
死靈魂 (2018)
How the Beatles Changed the World (2017)
Counting from Infinity: Yitang Zhang and the Twin Prime Conjecture (2015)
刀馬旦 (1986)
东方红 (1965)
罪行摘要 (2014)
Kekaiulu Hula Studio (2022)
Star Trek: The True Story (2013)
赤脚医生 (2016)
Round Eyes In The Middle Kingdom (1996)
Sur les traces du Bembeya Jazz (2007)
The Spring of Huang Jueping (2017)
Welcome to Babel (2024)
100 Years (2021)
闪闪的红星 孩子的天空 (2007)
Swallow Flying to the South (2022)