Nature, Le Nouvel Eldorado de la Finance (2014)
Deep Blue (2003)
Acts of Violence (1985)
Frogs: The Thin Green Line (2009)
300 KM TO EVEREST (2020)
L'Homme aux serpents (2014)
Kea: The Smartest Parrot (2005)
Весільний спадок (2020)
Una festa per la città - Venezia 1973 (2023)
Somos (2020)
Miss Goodall and the Wild Chimpanzees (1965)
Nature Amazing Places Hawaii (2010)
Innerer Kongo
Late Anthropocene (2016)
Tree (2010)
Lockende Wildnis (1969)
Chez Schwartz (2007)
Der Rhein - Strom der Geschichte (2016)
Urtzen (2020)
Albánie – kráska se špatnou pověstí (2012)