Japan's War In Colour (2005)
Infiltré à Auschwitz (2021)
Den Norske Motstand (2008)
The Man Who Made Angels Fly (2013)
John Ford : l'homme qui inventa l'Amérique (2019)
John Ford Goes to War (2002)
Kameraden unterm Edelweiß (1943)
Omaha Beach: Honor and Sacrifice (2014)
Războiul nostru sfânt (1942)
Wake Island: Alamo of the Pacific (2003)
Memories of a World War II Hero: Captain Brown's Story (2014)
Face aux fantômes (2009)
שוב זורחת שמש (1990)
1st to Fight: Pacific War Marines (2020)
Escala de grisos (2021)
Topaz (1987)
Martha (2020)
Voices of the Battle of Britain (2015)
Nisei Soldiers: Japanese American G.I. Joes (2017)
Aldo Giannini: Pacific Theatre (2014)