This FitzPatrick Traveltalk series short looks at Czechoslovakia before World War II, including images of bridges, churches, and castles in Prague, also a non-military parade through the city.

A short look at various seasonal activities offered in the Tyrol region of Austria.

In this superbly produced, two-part documentary, you'll trace the holy city's prophetic history and explore what the Bible professes regarding Jerusalem's fate.

This short film presents a look at Italy's popular tourist spots.

This Traveltalk series short takes a look at Cairo's landmarks, people, and culture.

Amateur film of fishing and geese-shooting trips by a British party in India.

Life in the bustling Punjabi city of Rawalpindi before partition.

This travelogue takes in some of the most important landmarks of Islamic power in India.

Amateur film featuring government buildings in Delhi, a shooting party in Malakand and winter in Abbottabad.

Amateur footage of a trip into the Himalaya.

Luscious colour photography of the Taj Mahal and a Mediterranean cruise to Port Said.

Two sides of Mysore: down to earth with the field workers and an Indian spectacle for the Maharaja.

This official travelogue of a royal tour follows the Prince on a series of regimental displays and a tiger hunt.

Blissful scenes of tourists arriving by boat and then sea bathing on a beach in the Venetian lagoon.

Amateur travelogue of the Kagan Valley and Darband, Pakistan.

Amateur footage of Delhi and Jaipur, from a military review to an atmospheric torchlit procession - and some armour-plated elephants.

This amateur film gives us a fair idea of the opulent life enjoyed by members of the British government in India.

A doctor and party visit the villages of eastern Manipur in India's far north east.

Hear the Lama band, see the sacred dances: welcome to Sikkim, in the shadow of the Himalayas.

Romantic, atmospheric travelogue capturing some of northern India’s most iconic places – not least the Taj Mahal.