Takarazuka Cosmos Troupe. The show opens with Robert Jordan being introduced at a charity event . He tells his hostess that he can't join her for the after party, as he is flying first to Paris, and then to Spain to rejoin the Republican forces. He has been going there sporadically, helping as a volunteer sent on commando missions to blow up important military targets (mainly bridges). In Madrid he meets General Golz of military intelligence, who sends him on his most dangerous and critical mission yet, to blow up a bridge in Guadarrama. It is a major hinge of a Republican offensive push, timed to begin in four days.

Takarazuka Star Troupe, 2014. It's 1862, one year since the start of the U.S. Civil War. After the death of her husband Charles from illness during the war, Scarlett goes to Atlanta, a hive of activity that is serving as a munitions base for the army of the South, to live with her sister-in-law Melanie and others. Scarlet has long been in love with Ashley, Melanie's husband. She had left her hometown in the hope of being reunited with Ashley, who had gone off to war, but now she has run into another man. This one is rumored to be a rogue who is making excessive profits by running the North's blockades, transporting military stores to the South. He is Rhett Butler, who had earlier spotted Scarlett secretly confess her love to Ashley at a party held at the Wilkes residence, also known as the "Oak Estate."

Takarazuka Star Troupe, 2015. Since Columbus had discovered the New World, the Caribbean became a part of the European history, and the pirates helped incorporate the Caribbean into the European sphere of influence with their art of navigation. One day lately in the seventeenth century, Spanish Santa Catalina Island is assaulted and its town is burnt down by the English pirates headed by Edgar. The governor and his wife are killed. However, the governor's son, Emilio, manages his escape and dives alone into the sea...

William O'Dannell, an elite of Adams Finance in London, receives directly from its president an order to rebuild Hotel Stella Maris, a small hotel in California. The sea expanding in front of the hotel is said to glitter with blue in the light of the full moon as if it were jeweled with stars. When the hotel opened in 1932, it was a great success and enjoyed the patronage of celebrities coming from the four corners of the country. However, it has become unsuccessful following the change of the times, and is now on the verge of bankruptcy.

This play is based on “The Makropulos Case”, written by the famous Czech writer Karel Čapek. As usual, Takarazuka has added their own spin to the original story; the most notable change in this play is that the genders of most of the major characters have been reversed. (In the original play, the main character is a woman.

Takarazuka Cosmos Troupe 2019-2020. "El Japón -The Samurai of España-" In the town of Coria del Río in southern Spain, there are people who use the surname “Japón” to identify themselves as descendants of the samurai. What gave birth to this curious legend of Japanese samurai in a far-off land...? This lighthearted and pleasurable tale of heroism has as its protagonist a retainer of Sendai Domain, dispatched to Europe on a diplomatic mission, starkly portraying the emotions of the samurai and an encounter with another culture. "Aqua Vitae!! -The Water of Life-" A show built upon the theme of that most aromatic and mature of deep-flavored spirits: whiskey. Experience the many varied talents of the stylish and cool Makaze Suzuho and the other members of Cosmos Troupe, in a performance based on unique whiskey.

This extravagant review presents the elegance and grace of the male roles and the delicate beauty of the female roles, all presented with Takarazuka's unique flair.

Takarazuka Cosmos Troupe 2009 adaptation of Casablanca

Takarazuka Cosmos Troupe 2019 production based on The Captain's Daughter by Alexander S. Pushkin.

Takarazuka Flower Troupe 2001 performance. In the sixteenth century, at the Villa Medici in Rome, the nobles, ecclesiastics and artists invited to a banquet congratulate Giovanni de' Medici on his promised accession to the Holy See for the next term. Contessina, Giovanni's younger sister talks to Raphaello eminent for most beautifully portraying women. Knowing that he has come to Rome to see Michelangelo's Pieta`, she admiringly speaks of Michlangelo as a man of eternal burning passion.

Takarazuka Moon Troupe 2005 production based on the 1960 off-Broadway show of the same name, which is in turn based on Oscar Wilde's play The Importance of Being Earnest

Takarazuka Cosmos Troupe 2000 production of Utakata no Koi (Translated as Ephemeral Love, also known as Mayerling). Based on the true story of the the doomed love affair between the crown prince of Austria Rudolf and his young mistress, Marie Vetsera.

EPHEMERAL LOVE: Austria, 1888. Crown Prince Rudolf is bored with the ostentatious royal life in the Austrian court. During a performance of “Hamlet,” Rudolf meets Marie Vetsera, the daughter of Baron Vetsera, the wealthiest man in Vienna. Marie is instantly infatuated with the prince, and they continue meeting in secret. When the emperor learns that Rudolf has petitioned the Pope for a divorce from Princess Stephanie, he flies into a rage and orders Rudolf and Marie to part. Rudolf feels he must make a choice: the throne, or Marie. ENCHANTEMENT: The Takarazuka Revue takes the beautiful love, visions, and dreams evoked by famous perfumes across time and space to a new level, delivering a truly magical experience. Enjoy this spectacular revue that marks the beginning of 2023, celebrating perfumes that have enchanted people from around the globe, performed by Rei Yuzuka and Flower Troupe.

Takarazuka Moon Troupe 2019 production of the Takarazuka Revue adaptation of Anna Karenina.

2014 Takarazuka Star Troupe Shinjin Koen (Newcomer's Performance) production of Napoléon, the Man Who Never Sleeps ~At the End of His Love and Glory~

Takarazuka Moon Troupe 2016 adaptation of the French musical La Légende du roi Arthur

Takarazuka Revue Flower Troupe 2011 Phantom based on the play by Maury Yeston and Arthur Kopit.

Takarazuka Star Troupe 2019 performance. Long, long ago, a lake called Yasha-ga-ike dried up. The village headman sacrificed his daughter to the dragon god who dwelt in the lake, and the rains returned to the village.... In the middle Meiji Period, Iyobe Kiyohiko, a student under the tutelage of the businessman Shimamura, is telling ghost stories with his friends when the tale of Yasha-ga-ike is told. Kiyohiko then sets out for the lake to put his courage to the test, when he encounters a girl being set upon by brigands. When Kiyohiko saves the girl, she brings him to the dragon god's castle (Tatsu-no-miya) at the bottom of the pond as a thank you.

Takarazuka Moon Troupe 2012 production based on Mishima Yukio's novel Spring Snow. Set in the Taisho Period. A tale of the forbidden love between the heir of a marquis, Matsugae Kiyoaki, and his childhood friend the beautiful daughter of a count, Ayakura Satoko.