Mishima lives in the shadows surrounded by worms in his underground lair. Early one morning, he discovers a rose in the sun in which the beautiful Saiko awakens. Mishima will do everything he can to satisfy her needs. But worms are not supposed to live in the sun...

Chloé and Louis are secretly in love with each other. Every word is a move, every sentence is a choreography.

This film illustrates the life of the film director, Shui-Bo Wang in The People's Republic of China. We learn of the life of the director in his own words and images from a child steeped in the values of Chinese communism exemplified by Chairman Mao, to a young man striving to live up to those ideals both as an artist and a soldier.

A cat named Lorenzo is dismayed to discover that his tail has developed a personality of its own.

This is a short film made by Gondry as a birthday present for his friend Karen, who likes to ride on her horse.

The film focuses on the thoughts inside the head of a man, an astronaut scheduled to go to the Moon. As he ponders the flight, he laments having an “ordinary” name he fears will not resonate throughout history. His thoughts lead him to consider some of the pioneers of flight-Icarus and his wings, the Montgolfier brothers and their balloon and the Wright brothers and heavier than air flight. (IMDb)

A man is confronted with the change of his day-to-day life following the landing of a sheep on the roof of the house opposite.

A child will over come the odds to achieve her dream.

Wolves reveal they are really humans in wolf costumes and proceed to eat each other.

Nanna gets a visit from her Indian neighbor, Soggi. Nanna wants to chat but Soggi is somewhat in a gaseous state of mind.

An uplifting story about two best friends, Isaac and James and their discovery of the cause and effect relationship between our cities' storm drains and the world's oceans, lakes and rivers. Helping the kids along this journey are a concerned Crane from the coast line, a surprisingly insightful Surfer Dude and James' Mom.

The love story begins when a young prince hunting in the forest chases a squirrel to a beautiful princess.

The Ravens was the couple's first sand animation film and the prelude to a unique work.

A reading of the Grand Prize-winning essay in the Earth Day 50 Art & Essay Contest, April 22, 2020, held in Clark County, Nevada. Narration by winner Sydney Lin; illustrated by the top 20 artwork entries; music by permission, Zukir Hussain.

Impressionist portrait of a landscape forged by tragedy. A ghostly wanderer among the vestiges of a story where 44 young soldiers and a sergeant were pushed to their deaths

An animated film shot on location in North Tipperary. It consists of six stories by six farmers from one parish.

Osas and her friends are in traffic at Falomo when Aunty Yuwa calls. The conversation that follows touches on family, religion, social identities and same sex relationships. Created by Opemipo Aikomo and Daniel Orubo.

Experience a cold world full of people whose heads have been replaced by a cage filled with a rubber balloon.