The Real 'X-Files'? (2015)
Avistament 1978 (2020)
Watchers 1: UFOs are Real, Burgeoning, and Not Going Away (2010)
Ghost Rockets (2015)
Out of the Blue (2003)
Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers (2018)
On the Trail of UFOs: Dark Sky (2021)
Hunt for the Skinwalker (2018)
The Force Beyond (1977)
Shag Harbour UFO Incident (2000)
Watchers 2: Signs in the Heavens and the Earth (2011)
Alien Lifeforms (2023)
The Strange Case of Crop Circles (1991)
Alien Humans on Mars
Odwiedziny, czyli u progu tajemnicy (1978)
The Interdimensional Connection (2022)
Nazi UFO Conspiracy (2008)
Ovnis les dossiers Secret Défense (2017)
Ovni à Ottawa (2022)
Strange Harvests 1993 (1993)