Le Dragon de Fer (2018)
Continental Divide (1987)
Stamp of Character (1995)
AAA Cargo (2018)
Taxi! (1982)
Boleto de ida (1983)
Journey Inter-City (1972)
Depot Asmara
The #1 Bus Chronicles (2019)
The Road Taken (1996)
ICE - Der neue Zug (1987)
London's Railways in the 1960s (2010)
London Transport Cine-Gazette No. 14: Do you remember? (1955)
The Nine Road (1976)
London on the Move (1970)
Omnibus 150 (1979)
Empty Harbours, Empty Dreams (1976)
Elektrisch betriebene Strecken der Eisenbahn (1989)
Once upon a Line (1947)
Train 406 (1958)