Sex, Lies and Butterflies (2018)
Into the Grand Canyon (2019)
Dehesa: el bosque del lince ibérico (2020)
La vallée des loups (2017)
Coral Reef Adventure (2003)
Ring of Fire (1991)
Over Alaska (2001)
Broken Fall (Organic) (1971)
Bears (2004)
Tropical Rainforest (1992)
Balance of Life (2012)
Somos (2020)
Threatened: The Controversial Struggle of the Southern Sea Otter (2013)
Miss Goodall and the Wild Chimpanzees (1965)
The Leopard Son (1996)
Igloo (1932)
Late Anthropocene (2016)
Der Rhein - Strom der Geschichte (2016)
Loon (2021)
Lockende Wildnis (1969)