Composed of archives and animated sequences, this documentary sheds light on the genesis of the masterpiece by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944) by retracing the last four years of his life, marked by war and his exile in the United States.

Not just another documentary on the French resistance movement, this film focuses on one particular group of underground fighters in France: those from Eastern Europe. Many were Jews and all had fled their native countries before the war broke out. They were among the most staunch and fearless enemies of fascism, as shown here in personal interviews and memoirs of war-time experiences. But the most famous of these immigrants were 23 who were rounded up among several hundred Parisians in 1943, tried for their activities, and executed -- all were immigrants under the leadership of the Armenian poet Manouchian. After their execution, Paris was papered with posters decrying these 23 martyrs as "foreign communists."

Does Europe also have its own animistic heritage, like Pachamama in South America and Shinto in Japan? If so, which one? In the Misty Lands, i.e. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, a sacred fire is lit on the winter solstice to celebrate the return of the sun and ancient beliefs that have been forgotten in the rest of Europe for thousands of years. Sophie Planque and Jérémy Vaugeois decided to take a journey on bicycles to experience the Baltic winter and meet the people who keep their ancestral culture alive. A unique heritage that reinforces a deep relationship with nature.

After the 1999 premiere of the first Matrix movie, it became a pop culture phenomenon. A special documentary about the Matrix saga and its prophetic aspects.

On the night of August 24, 1944, the fate of Paris rests with General von Choltitz, who plans to destroy the city on Hitler's orders. As the general prepares to detonate explosives throughout the capital, Swedish consul Raoul Nordling uses diplomacy in a desperate bid to convince him to defy the orders and save Paris.

A crusty old rancher hires three young women to pose as his daughters. However, the real father of one of the daughters finds out about it, and kidnaps her to hold her for ransom--which the rancher can't pay.

"Morada" is an experimental documentary that shows a little about the city of Acari, located in Seridó Potiguar. It has the main participation of Eilson Amarildo, better known as Negão Azul, who unloads fruits, vegetables and groceries in the municipality of Acari and neighboring regions.

After the end of civilization, an aged man undergoes a mysterious journey through space and time that takes him through memories, visions, and historical events, ultimately transcending the limitations of the senses and into a new cosmic rebirth.

A documentary covering the remastering process of first season of the horror anthology series that adapts internet horror stories into short, interconnected films.

Billy Hicks has been coaching basketball for over 40 years. He is the winningest high school basketball coach in the state of Kentucky. This documentary will dive into his "basketball philosophy" and his successful time at Scott County.

Part of a trilogy about the reality of living in a French prison.

The director’s mother, Mirka Mora, avoided Auschwitz by one day. On his father’s side many perished in the Holocaust. These facts triggered three visits to Auschwitz by Mora from 2010 to 2014 in an effort to understand and remember.

It is estimated that the mythical city of Atlantis was swept away by a Tsunami in 9600 BC, vanquished from existence - but recent findings of ancient maps, monuments and submerged artifacts indicate that the Lost Kingdom may in fact have existed. The recent discovery of mummies, an underwater Stonehenge, monoliths, ancient drawings and much, much more could provide confirmation of one of Mankind's oldest mysteries.

Join College Student Parker Bennink and he interviews four of Rowan University's most prolific filmmakers, to uncover what life as a student filmmaker is really like in today's day and age.

Filmmaker Julia interviews people who photograph sunsets. During filming, a man demands that she deletes the pictures of him. When she refuses, an argument ensues.