The film shines a light onto federal chancellor Angela Merkel and her now ending 16-year-long tenure. An era, not an episode. And a vagarious relationship history between the chancellor and the Germans. Who has changed whom here?

In 1986, Ross McElwee (Sherman's March) and Marilyn Levine were making a film about the 25th anniversary of the Berlin Wall, when the imposing structure was still very much intact as the world’s most visible symbol of hardline Communism and Cold War lore. They thought they were making a documentary on the community of tourists, soldiers, and West Berliners who lived in the seemingly eternal presence of the graffiti emblazoned eyesore. But in 1989, as the original film neared completion, the Wall came down, and McElwee and Levine returned to Berlin, this time to capture the radically different atmosphere of the reunified city.

25 years after the reunion between East and West Germany, this movie shows pictures from different perspectives of people and country, during a glide flight above the metropolis. Which visions and dreams marked this region? What changed and what emerged from the city’s contentious history? We take a look from above to see the city and its citizens.

In his exploration of the cultural dynamic between East and West, Adolf Muschg, the most significant Swiss writer since Frisch and Dürrenmatt, searched for the other in himself in order to understand otherness.

‘Where I am, I don’t want to stay. I want to stay where I’ve never been.’ Filmmaker Rosemarie Blank was born in Berlin, but has lived in various other places in the world. After returning to her native city, she wondered what it’s like for other people to live outside their motherland. In this diary, she interviews people whom she literally met in the street: her Kurdish newsvendor, who apart from his busy trade has a second job with the German railways, a Lebanese hairdresser, a Turkish furniture seller. They talk about melancholy, longing, the struggle for existence and against discrimination and they show how they lead their daily life. The encounters are larded with observing shots of multicultural Berlin, particularly where diversity is most visible: the subway.

The filmmaker, Simon Brückner, goes in search of his long-deceased father, one of the central figures of the German students' movement. A picture of a multi-faceted character emerges and a piece of German history is retold.

A documentary produced by the French armed forces which chronicles the way of France’s “1ere armée” in the second world war from the days it first crossed the Rhine in March of 1945, through the liberation of a POW-camp in Swabia, until the forces reached the Danube and the Alps at the end of the war and the day French troops marched in the victory parade in Berlin.

The way to the bus stop is the same everyday in this remote semi rural neighborhood. But when concrete blocks and trucks start to appear on the middle of the street, it's necessary to take a detour. The landscape and daily routine of the residents are completely changed.

Interview with Jochen Girke, a retired East German Stasi agent, filmed March, 1990 to June, 1991. Questions explore his study of psychology for use as a filmmaker and trainer of interrogators and informers. Segments include conversations with his parents, teacher, former girlfriend and wife.

The documentary Intersection presents the everyday life of Eduard Bigas, in his current residence in Berlin. The audiovisual piece goes into Bigas' way of looking, while he himself tells his story. And through the interviews with his closest circle, both the social and the professional one, it seeks to expose the way of doing things of this artist with surrealist roots.

You've seen them in pictures...Now see them on the big screen! Everyone's favorite best friends make their feature length debut in a slice of life experience fit for the whole family to enjoy. Follow Abuse of Power as they make their way across the world and back while getting into a little trouble along the way! Will they die in a horrible car wreck? Will Yoon be detained for international war crimes? Will Kaleb and Lon drown Lucky in a hot spring? Will J Little laugh at everything? Did Jug capture all of this action? There is only one way to find out...

Children's film with animation and live action elements about how the lock in the Spree River works.

Portrait of the members of the club "Allrad e.V." of a workshop.

Documents the remodeling of the Ostbahnhof in Berlin Friedrichshain into the central station of the GDR.