ダブルブッキング (2020)
C.A.M. (2021)
The Strange Woman (1946)
Sticks and Stones: Investigating the Blair Witch (1999)
It Stains the Sands Red (2016)
Bodom (2014)
Death Ship (1980)
Flesh Eating Mothers (1988)
American Guinea Pig: Sacrifice (2017)
Caroltyn (2022)
Spirits (1990)
Donor (2018)
Crimson (2020)
The Tony Blair Witch Project (2000)
Bianca (2013)
私の体験した心霊記録 (2015)
Lemon man vs the Multiverse (2023)
The Flower Tapes (2020)
Siapa Menabur Benci Akan Menuai Bencana (1988)
Curse of the Frontier (2023)