Flashback: The First World War (2014)
Philippe Pétain (2010)
Le Studio de la Terreur (2016)
Las Hurdes (1933)
The Battle of the Ancre and Advance of the Tanks (1917)
Battle of Jutland: The Navy's Bloodiest Day (2016)
Victory Through Air Power (1943)
Dworzec (1980)
Gestern und heute (1938)
The Distant Drummer: A Movable Scene (1970)
The 'Roslin Castle' (Troopship) Leaving for South Africa (1899)
Tacna y Arica (1924)
Major Raoul Lufbery: Fighter Ace (2018)
Samuel Wilder King: Fighting for Statehood (2018)
John Henry Balch: Congressional Medal of Honor (2018)
Nurse Helen Fairchild: Killed in Action? (2018)
Forgotten Men (1933)
Миропорядок (2015)
Never Again Is Now Global
Az I. Világháború: Az európai frontok nagy csatái (2006)