Doctor Mišić comes to the Jabučevački cacstle, a place known as haunted by ghosts and wraiths. He's stubborn supporter of common sense and logic, taking all assumptions about transcendent world and fourth dimension to be silly. However...

A mother and daughter struggle to survive a deadly home invasion.

The events in Sarajevo in June 1914 are the backdrop for a thriller directed by Andreas Prochaska and written by Martin Ambrosch, focusing on the examining magistrate Dr. Leo Pfeffer (Florian Teichtmeister) investigating the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Trying to do his job in a time of lawlessness and violence, intrigues and betrayal, Leo struggles to maintain his integrity and save his love, Marija, and her father, prominent Serbian merchant. But the events of Sarajevo have set into motion an inescapable course of events that will escalate to become … the Great War.

Harumi Hagiwara lands in the hospital after being involved in an accident. She hits it off with her nurse, Reiko Nishimura, and the two decide to move in together after she's discharged. However, Harumi begins to witness a series of mysterious events soon after noticing Reiko's strange behavior. Additionally, she fears for her own safety when Reiko starts referring to herself as 'Mari' as if she's become an entirely different person. Before long, the situation develops into a case of murder.

A man heading through the countryside is drawn to a strange castle, which is reputed by the locals to be haunted. There he meets a beguiling young woman who ensnares him in her world of secrets.

When the American president's daughter is abducted while attempting to rescue a Los Angeles children's shelter, a mysterious alien she calls Uncle attempts to rescue her.

1992 Belgrade. Aleksa works the night shift at an occult magazine to avoid military police, draft and war. Old colleague, Mrs. Kosara, offers him shelter at her place. Soon, a dead friend warns him in his dream about the old lady.

A black and white, 16mm film featuring a pernicious practitioner of black magic performing a malevolent voodoo ritual, in order to seek some morbid retribution from a reclusive ex-lover. The motive behind the exhibition is ambiguous but inevitable, as the vindictive priestess hexes her victim in dreams, in consciousness, and ultimately in death.

When Emma Manning is found drowned, the small Midwestern town of Rankin is turned upside down with suspicions and fear. Emma's death looms over the locals long after its occurrence, prompting chaos among the young adult community. When the townies start threatening the rich kids, and a local named Kera cannot keep away, these games risk turning deadly.

Yasmin was ravaged and murdered on August 23, 1995.

Using a lectern on which the Constitution is placed, Benigni begins to read each article praising and exalting its beauty, declaring to the Italians that he has decided to write these principles to constitute a rebirth from the disastrous end of the Second World War.

When a married couple hits a jogger while driving, they think their night can't get any worse. But after heading to a remote location to bury the body, they realize their nightmare has just begun.

A black market technician creates body augmentations in her basement.

A comedy-drama-mockumentary about Council workers, in a zombie infested city, dealing with office politics, government regulations and the ravenous undead. When the Zombie apocalypse hit, it devastated society for years. Now, with humanity rebuilding, the virus contained and hope for a cure in the air, only a few of the most desperate and cunning zombies remain to be rounded up, by people like Stanley.

The streets of Zagreb are empty because of a rumored vampire who attacks lonely women. To the office of psychiatrist, Franjo Glogowetz, there arrives a strange visitor, Teobald Majer. He is convinced that he is a vampire from the 16th century, and tells Franz that the members of his family, Glogovac, were famous vampire hunters. Naturally, Franz does not take him seriously but his wife, Barbara, likes the stranger a lot and even believes his story. In the meantime, Franz's two relatives, Jambrek and Jurek, arrive and get caught up in the mess.

Lesson of the Day: Never give away your true identity on phone-sex party lines, or the consequences could get messy. The notorious phone sex strangler is on the loose and any curious, beautiful girl could fall victim to the depraved ways of this psychopath. But beware, a sexy little starlet's beauty is as unrelenting as her lust for asphyxia. With her sensual voice, she lures the voluptuous and BI-curious young women into her apartment. After deceiving them with seemingly innocent games of "show and tell" or "truth or dare," she reveals her true intentions . . .

Sven, a world renowned sleaze photographer, has a photo date with three girls from the Factory 2000 (Misty Mundae, Lily Tiger, Marie Mazur) which might be more models than he can afford. Lucky for him the models agree to be paid after the shoot. Trouble starts when Sven runs out of film and has no money for film or for the girls' model fees! Will Sven come up with the money or does he have something devilish in mind?