An observational film that using the fragmented format of a newscast program proposes a cinematic glance to the same reality depicted daily by the media.

A conversation between the director of this film, Carmen Castillo and Marcia Merino, AKA La Flaca Alejandra who was one of the collaborators of Pinochet's secret police (the DINA) after being tortured by them. It was Merino who betrayed Castillo, who lost her new born child after being tortured. Almost twenty years later, Carmen Castillo returns to Chile after her exile to film this documentary, during a time in which Marcia Merino, on the court of justice, decided to give the names of her old bosses who worked with her on the DINA.

Secrets and mysteries lose power when they are spread too widely. This is what the villagers discover when they invade an old man's vision-inspired shrine to the namelessly holy.

Italians in Berlin are a special breed. Thousands come every year to stay - and six years ago, filmmaker Alessandro was one of them. An old saying professes that after 6 years in a foreign country, you finally realize what you really are: an immigrant. You feel disoriented and homesick. Alessandro's quest for other Italians in Berlin evolves into a hilarious real life comedy

Terra Incognita is a lensless film whose cloudy pinhole images create a memory of history. Ancient and modern explorer texts of Easter Island are garbled together by a computer narrator, resulting in a forever repeating narrative of discovery, colonialism, loss and departure.

Culled from four rolls of Super-8 film shot while the maker was a development worker in a small South American village, Daumë is at its center a film about ritual, power, and play. Daumë is both ethnography and critique; it is an interrogation into how to represent a place that can't be represented.

Francisco Brennand is an eighty-five year odl, painter, sculptor and ceramist from Brazil. He lives and works isolated in an open-air museum set in an old ceramic roofing tile factory that belonged to his father. Based on his diaries, written over the past 60 years, the film narrates the artist's journey from the moment he moved into the factory until today.

Two cocks fight whilst being watched by two men.

An ethnographic field report in which the Anthropologist describes the mythic creation of an unnamed ‘sun-scraping structure’ through the ritualized actions of the Red and the Blue Gods.

Shoe designer and fetishist Doug George tells the story of how high heels saved his life.

In this 1980 documentary, originally in three parts but presented here in its entirety, Vittorio De Seta presents the drama of the Vietnamese refugees who arrived in the great Asian metropolis.

Xernona Clayton: A Life In Black & White is an elegant march through time that honors almost a century of a truly extraordinary woman who has impacted us all. The film takes viewers on a journey through Clayton's nearly century-long life, from her time as an aide and close friend to Dr. Martin Luther King and Coretta Scott King to her groundbreaking broadcasting career with Ted Turner. This career ultimately led to the creation of The Trumpet Awards, designed by Clayton to recognize outstanding accomplishments by African Americans who have succeeded against great odds, inspiring success in others.

“Cómicos” is a sentimental road movie in which we have accompanied the veteran Benavente Company on their tour of Spain. It is the last touring repertory theatre company left in Spain, whose patriarchs, Luis and Aurora, are approaching 80 years old. At the same time, on this emotional journey, we are introduced to the supporting actors, such as Manuel Andrés oandAmparo Pacheco - also octogenarians - who live their profession with dignity and unwavering enthusiasm. In “Cómicos” the names of our protagonists do not appear on illuminated signs but they shine with their own light in a film that talks about passion, the passage of time and the thin line that separates triumph and failure.