Bill T. Jones: Still/Here (1997)
Mr. Smith Goes to Tokyo (2009)
Sikkim (1971)
West Virginia, the State Beautiful (1929)
Grand Canyon, Pride of Creation (1943)
Rainbow Canyons (1935)
A Road in India (1938)
Pariah Dog (2019)
India: Kingdom of the Tiger (2002)
Temples of India (1938)
Tana Bana (2015)
Vlucht Dans Leef (2023)
Indocam (2022)
Yosemite the Magnificent (1941)
Aravani Girl (2009)
Traceable (2014)
Mahatma Gandhi Noa Khali March (1947)
Amalfi Way (1955)
Ruins of Delhi (1910)
Villenour (French India: Territory of Pondicherry) (1914)