Thomas Hart Benton (1989)
Joséphine Baker, première icône noire (2018)
Crumb (1994)
Navaļnijs (2022)
Audrey (2020)
Абу Райхан Беруни (1974)
Chabrol, l'anticonformiste (2019)
Лариса (1980)
When My Sorrow Died: The Story of Armen Ra and The Theremin (2015)
Elgin Park (2015)
Philip K Dick: A Day in the Afterlife (1994)
Cherry Valentine: Gypsy Queen and Proud (2022)
Jean Sénac, Le Forgeron Du Soleil (2003)
CAP: 2 Intentos (2016)
Lubitsch, le patron (2010)
Beatrice Wood: Mama of Dada (1994)
Negli occhi (2009)
Ardeshir Mohasses: The Rebellious Artist (2013)
I'm the Vet (2022)
Anju Rupal - Seeds to GROW (2020)