A purely observational non-fiction film that takes viewers into the ethically murky world of end-of-life decision making in a public hospital.

The Simpsons host a Disney+ Day party and everyone is on the list… except Homer. With friends from across the service and music fit for a Disney Princess, Plusaversary is Springfield's event of the year.

Bokanowski returns to the complex - and mind-bending - optical array of pinholes, mirrors, prisms, and refractive substrates of his earlier film, La Plage to create the whimsical and playful Au bord du lac. The film is composed of mundane, everyday scenes of recreation and leisure on an idyllic, sunny day at a park that overlooks a lake - rowing a boat, playing a game of volleyball, rollerskating, bicycling, reading a newspaper, sunbathing, riding on horseback, or strolling on the promenade - shot through optical distortions to create fractured and knotted images that resemble embellished, gothic fairytale illustrations or appear to resolve into morphing, geometric patterns of fluid motion. Evoking the vibrant colors and sun-soaked palette of an invigorated Vincent van Gogh in Arles, Bokanowski transforms the quotidian into an infinitely mesmerizing dynamic kaleidoscope of shape-shifting textures and self-reconstituting objects of organic, abstract art.

What we show in Milk is literally the best of the best when it comes to dairy farming, yet, as soon we view what happens from the perspective of the mother cow, it becomes clear that this is an industry that runs on the exploitation and suffering of animals. By using animation, we are able to show a unique perspective and tell the story of the mother cow in a way that cannot be done from investigative footage alone. Milk centres the cow as the protagonist of her own story and allows us to view what is happening to her from an up close and personal perspective. Organic, free-range, high-welfare, humanely raised. It doesn’t matter what label we put on dairy products, all dairy cows are victims of an industry that forcibly impregnates them, takes their babies from them, exploits their bodies and then sends them to a slaughterhouse to cut their throats. It's time to end the dairy industry.

This underwater ballet is an ecological story depicting our paradoxical relationship with plastic. Bakelite launched the #SickOfPlastic campaign from On Est Prêt, along with the Surfrider Foundation, Break Free from Plastic and the Resilient Foundation. Photography was directed by Jacques Ballard, a specialist in underwater cinematography.

After consolidating itself as a tourist destination in the mid-1960s, this small coastal village has become the dormitory town for the workers of a Nuclear Power Plant. With the liberal promise of prosperity and socioeconomic wellfare, many workers left their homes to move to the small city and started working at the new Nuclear Power Plant. The collective unrest and the silence, cut off by the great gusts of wind, articulate the landscape of the village that is now under the aid of the Nuclear Power Plant.

Portrait of the Sunshine Hotel, a flop house on the Bowery in New York's skid row. We meet Vic, the desk clerk, who paints watercolours and pastels; Jonesy, a janitor who talks about bedbugs; Bruce, a voluble alcoholic who makes runs for residents, picking up beer or sandwiches for them and sharing his philosophy with us; Vinnie, on methadone, caring for caged birds; Cashmere, a prostitute, the only woman at the hotel; Earl, who works downstairs in the Bowery's last factory, and Mike, the general manager, who talks about the changing face of the Bowery. The film concludes with tourists outside the Sunshine, hearing from Seth Kamil of Big Onion Walking Tours.

Demonstration of the rapid poisoning of a cat hung up in a cloth, strychnine as a trigger of the tonic form of convulsions.

The movie shows the consequences of total and partial removal of the epithelial bodies in a cat

Two cats housed in a glass box, one of which had received a small amount of atropine in the preliminary experiment, are exposed to ether vapors with the result that only the animal which had not been pretreated began to salivate (profusely).

Parasympathetic irritation is generated in the test animal by subcutaneous injection of muscarine. Salivary secretion, miosis, convulsive evacuation of thin feces and severe shortness of breath as signs of intoxication with a parasympathomimetic. The symptoms of intoxication are reversed by subcutaneous injection of atropine.

Compulsory locomotion and continuous circular movement to the operated side without orientation in case of a onesided removal of the cerebrum and corpus striatum. In case of a doublesided removal there are no spontaneous movements with a normal posture and movement coordination. The dogs' reaction towards external stimuli only.

Documentary on how the osprey catches its prey. The film shows the search for prey, the launch maneuvers, take-off maneuvers and the fights with the fish.

Atopia is an introspective essay about the search for a place that exists between reality and imagination: a placeless place made up out of dreams, chimeras and a desire for gender fluidity.

Renowned Photographer Chris Floyd captured the tumultuous life of the iconic band The Verve from the inside, as they toured as relative unknowns on their first American tour, all the way through to their farewell tour in 1997 at the very top of their game. Using previously unseen photographs, self shot video from the band and interviews, this is an intimate look at an important moment in popular culture. Chris candidly talks about the relationship he had with the band and reveals incredible insight into his process, as well as explaining his views on the meaning of the relationship between photographer and subject and what can happen when that professional line becomes blurred.

A profile of blacksmith George Garfield, among whose Hollywood clients were the horses of Joel McCrea and Guinn "Big Boy" Williams.

This documentary film is a celebration of Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia (DMV) and the Black artists driving music culture forward.

A young David Gan joins the WWII effort, eager to serve his country. Feelings of exclusion as a Chinese-American disappear in the Army. After experiencing the loss of so many fallen comrades, David dedicates his life to those who never came home.

A documentary essay on coming of age and the power of the unconscious. In the same vein as Sweatlodge Song, this is a message of courage and hope.