Geheimnisvolle Eichhörnchen (2018)
Eternal Enemies: Lions and Hyenas (1992)
Pinnacles (2022)
Madagascar or the Great Carnival of the Cameleons (2024)
Tierisch müde - Das Rätsel Schlaf (2022)
Snow Bears (2017)
Das ABC der Serengeti (2006)
The World's Biggest Cave (2009)
Neuseeland 3D: Das Vergessene Paradies (2013)
The 11th Hour (2007)
The Enchanted Forest of the Pygmy Hippopotamus (1998)
Serengeti Stories (2005)
Abenteuer Karibik (2017)
La vérité si je menthe (2021)
City Slickers: A tale of two African penguins (2002)
Sanctuaries of Silence (2018)
The Fairy Trail - Naturgeistern auf der Spur (2013)
Umnak - Aleutian Islands (2021)
The Scorpion's Tale (2005)
John Muir in the New World (2011)