Caudillo is a documentary film by Spanish film director Basilio Martín Patino. It follows the military and political career of Francisco Franco and the most important moments of the Spanish Civil War. It uses footage from both sides of the war, music from the period and voice-over testimonies of various people.

The life story of Vicente Miguel Carceller (1890-1940), a Spanish editor committed to freedom who, through his weekly magazine La Traca, connected with the common people while maintaining a dangerous pulse with the powerful.

A retrospective look at the anarcho-syndicalist and anarcho-communist experience in Spain from 1930 until the end of the Civil War in 1939.

A particular reading of the forties and fifties in Spain, the hard years of famine and repression after the massacre of the Civil War, through popular culture: songs, newspapers and magazines, movies and newsreels.

The Colegio de Arquitectos de Catalunya commissioned Pere Portabella to make this film for the Joan Miró retrospective exhibit in 1969. There were heated discussions on whether it would be prudent to screen the film during the exhibit. Portabella took the following stance: "either both films are screened or they don't screen any" and, finally, both Miro l'Altre and Aidez l'Espagne were shown. The film was made by combining newsreels and film material from the Spanish Civil War with prints by Miró from the series "Barcelona" (1939-1944). The film ends with the painter's "pochoir" known as Aidez l'Espagne.

Spanish Civil War, May, 1938. Four villages in Castellón, Benassal, Albocàsser, Ares del Maestrat and Vilar de Canes, were bombed from the sky and ravaged. 38 people died. Inhabitants never knew for sure who piloted the planes responsible for such atrocity, although the rebel propaganda attributed the act to the republican side. Now, 80 years later, the truth is finally exposed.

A propaganda documentary about the Comité Central de Abastos. This committee provided food and support for the Republican forces in the Spanish Civil War.

Heart of the Generacion 27, Spanish poet Emilio Prados recalls his lifetime from Mexican exile where Spanish Civil War has forced him, as other Spanish intellectuals in 1930s.

A missing submarine in Spanish Civil War leads to the first German Navy operation before WW2. Republican submarine C-3 was the victim of international secrecy and intrigues, after a torpedo from U-34 sunk it on December 12th 1936.

The military uprising of 1936 tried to eradicate all traces of the social transformation that had brought the Republic. There were villages like Guímara, in the Valley of Fornela (León), whose almost unanimous support to the Republic supposed a hard and systematic repression. This isolated village, of about 85 neighbors, suffered one of the most painful forms of punishment: deportation of adults to concentration camps, separating them from their minor children. In this documentary it is told the chronicle of this terrible repression that sought to subdue and subjugate the population through fear, trying to destroy family ties, solidarity networks between the people and personal and collective subsistence economy. The memory of lullabies from their mothers was the echo that reached their children from the forced exile who lived their elders.

Three elders return to their homeland seventy years after being forced to leave it because of the Spanish Civil War.

The memory of a defeat, a barbarism: the destruction at the dawn of the civil war of people who fought for freedom, a group of anarchists from A Coruña located in the Atochas area. Through valuable witnesses and historical images a reconstruction of a metaphorical episode in the history of the country. This projection is made in collaboration with its author and the Commission for the Recovery of Historical Memory.

Between 1937 and 1938, during the Spanish Civil War, thousands of minors were evacuated by their own families from the Republican zone to the Soviet Union to prevent them from perishing in the indiscriminate bombings that the rebel army directed against the civilian population. Taking advantage of the 80th anniversary of this epic, a team went to Russia to record the testimonies of some of those “childrens of war.”

Documentary about the participation of the International Brigades in February 1937 in containing the advance of the rebel troops after the fall of Malaga.

Documentary about the battle of Guadalajara which took place in March 1937 during the Spanish Civil War and was the last major victory of the Republican Army.

Documentary filmed between September 2012 and March 2013. It tells the story of a valley in the mountains that extends through the north of the provinces of Cádiz and Málaga, the last Republican bastion in the area when Franco's troops already occupied all of them. the nearby regions. La Sauceda was bombed and the town destroyed forever by the air force and four columns of Franco's army. The survivors were locked up in the Marrufo farmhouse, in the municipality of Jerez de la Frontera, where five or six people were shot every day. With the testimonies of the interviewees, everything that happened in those months from the summer of 1936 to the winter of 1937 is reconstructed and the work carried out by the Forum and the Association since 2011 to locate the mass graves is also narrated, in which in the summer of In 2012, the bodies of 28 people were exhumed.