Le Voyage dans la Lune (1902)
Doggone Cats (1947)
Iron Man (2008)
The Mask (1994)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Catch as Cats Can (1947)
The Wee Men (1947)
Bargain Counter Attack (1946)
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
House Tricks? (1946)
All's Fair at the Fair (1947)
Naughty But Mice (1947)
Cheese Burglar (1946)
Anatole fait du camping (1947)
Cad and Caddy (1947)
A Viral Spiral (2021)
Belle comme un cœur (2016)
Mère Ubu (1998)
Père Ubu (1997)
Crusoe (2021)