Nero's Guests (2009)
Die Arktis - 66,5 Grad Nord (2023)
The Himalayas (2011)
Moi, agricultrice (2022)
Microcosmos : Le peuple de l'herbe (1996)
Tu nourriras le monde (2022)
The Giants (2023)
The World's Biggest Cave (2009)
Killing the Colorado (2016)
Quis Ser Grande e Morrer Contigo
Canada Vertical (2023)
The Dikes (1955)
Billy Connolly: A Scot in the Arctic (1995)
The Fairy Trail - Naturgeistern auf der Spur (2013)
Penguins Under Siege (2004)
The African Penguin (2009)
City Slickers: A tale of two African penguins (2002)
An Otter Study (1912)
Otis tarda (Otididae) - Balzverhalten (1975)
Naalin paluu (2023)