Act of War: The Overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation (1993)
Siete instantes (2008)
The Beatles: The First U.S. Visit (1991)
Salesman (1969)
Chuy, el hombre lobo (2014)
Визволення (1940)
Love Hotel (2014)
Битва за нашу Советскую Украину (1943)
Победа на Правобережной Украине (1945)
Friends of God: A Road Trip with Alexandra Pelosi (2007)
Russia (1972)
Буковина, земля українська (1939)
Frontier Documentary (2023)
Toots (2007)
Canyon Song (2016)
Manhattan, Kansas (2006)
Children of the Market (2007)
Sachsenhausen - Le due facce di un campo (2014)
Tres instantes, un grito (2013)
Filho (2022)