Phantasia (2024)
Fajr (2019)
The Dreamer That Remains: A Portrait of Harry Partch (1972)
De la mutabilité de toute chose et de la possibilité d'en changer certaines (2011)
After James Benning's YouTube (2024)
Kako je pukao Pjer Žalica (1998)
Theodore of the Absurd (2012)
Vestige (2023)
If it Won’t Hold Water, it Surely Won’t Hold a Goat (2014)
Hong Kong Mixtape (2023)
A Jornada (2022)
Best Before
The Life of Python (2000)
What's In a Number (1948)
Death in Vegas (2023)
After a Swim (2023)
Frank Zappa (1971)
A Brief History of Circles (2024)
Memórias em Movimento