Untold Stories of Columbine (2000)
Dwie korony (2017)
After Death (2023)
Father of Lights (2012)
YouthMin: A Mockumentary (2021)
The Gospel of Eureka (2018)
Ammen (2012)
A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible (2009)
Ahora que el sol empieza a ponerse (2022)
Le mystère de Fatima (2017)
Angels and Demons Are Real (2017)
Jesus & Buddha: Practicing Across Traditions (2014)
The Footprints of God: Paul Contending For the Faith (2004)
Hebrews to Negroes 2: Revelation - The Age of The Awakening (2019)
Why Walk When You Can Fly? The Movie
25 Messianic Signs (2006)
The Lie of A.I. (2023)
Resan till Mirakelmannen (2018)
Gojdič: Láska nadovšetko (2016)
Luther (2017)