New York Portrait, Chapter III (1990)
Chronos (1985)
Roving Mars (2006)
Cosmic Voyage (1996)
L'arrivée d'un train à La Ciotat (1896)
The Alps - Climb of Your Life (2007)
Alaska: Spirit of the Wild (1998)
Amazon (1997)
Die neue Wohnung (1930)
The Eruption of Mount St. Helens! (1980)
Žijeme v Praze (1934)
Volcanoes of the Deep Sea (2003)
Ocean Wonderland (2003)
Bears (2004)
Mystery of the Nile (2005)
Cavalcade of Dance (1943)
Zion Canyon: Treasure of the Gods (1996)
1/57: Versuch mit synthetischem Ton (1957)
Leisurely Pedestrians, Open Topped Buses and Hansom Cabs with Trotting Horses (1889)
Stille Nacht (1969)