In his fourth season on the farm (and his first as a married man) Walt Wingfield tries to preserve the memory of the old rural community of Persephone Township by promoting the crumbling Hollyhock Mill as a museum site. But the locals say the mill is haunted. Undaunted by such superstitious fears, Walt sets out to prove to the neighbours that there's nothing to this curse business - with near disastrous results.

As the first frosts come to Persephone Township Walt and Maggie Wingfield are all set to welcome new life to the farm. She's expecting, and he's nesting. But Walt is alarmed about the old feuds that divide the neighbours and disturb the tranquillity of the community. His attempts to mend other people's fences meet with a resistance as stiff and cold as the weather itself. And the biggest challenge to them all is looming on the horizon.

A devastating fire at the Orange Hall in Larkpur leaves it a smouldering ruin. Walt Wingfield leads the charge to get it rebuilt, but lighting a fire under his fellow committee members proves a daunting task. Is it courage they lack, or is the devil in the details?

When a captain of industry trades his pinstripe suit for overalls and retreats to a hundred acre farm, the residents of Persephone Township raise their eyebrows. Weekend farmers are a common enough sight, but this man seems to think he can make a living with a broken down racehorse and a single furrow plough. Letter From Wingfield Farm is the story of one man's attempt to embrace a less complicated world. In a series of letters to the editor of the Larkspur weekly newspaper, Walt Wingfield tells of the people and events of his first year as a man of the soil.

In his third year on the farm, after two profit-free seasons, Walt finally pinpoints the economic source of his problems and embarks on a course which brings him to his most profound crisis to date. In this sequel to Letter From Wingfield Farm and Wingfield's Progress Walt sets up a closed economy with his neighbours, prints his own currency and falls in love.

Social networks, exacerbated militancy, Cancel Culture, the Covid crisis has only accelerated the emergence of the new world... Fabrice Eboué already feels overwhelmed... After the success of "Plus Rien à Perdre" and this long period of pandemic, Fabrice Eboué returns to the stage with his fourth and new show!

Bo Burnham is back with a new one-man show full of his patented songs and wordplay, as well as haikus, dramatic readings, blasphemy, and so much more in his first hour-long special, shot live in his home town of Boston.

Famed comedian/writer Del Shores (Sordid Lives, Queer As Folk) shares the real-life stories that inspired his writing in this hilarious one-man show recorded live during his critically acclaimed tour across the U.S.

Pour cette nouvelle aventure, Jamel a invité des artistes, à participer à plus d’une douzaine de courts-métrages originaux créés par lui-même et son équipe. Au programme des parodies désopilantes (Low School Musical, Les Experts Ouarzazate, Les Smashin’ Pump Spin’s…), des sketches hilarants (L’interview de la Chaussure de Bush, la leçon de Jamel…) et surtout la présence de guest stars tels que Florence Foresti, Audrey Lamy, Stromae, Didier Bourdon, David Pujadas ou Gad Elmaleh.Au final, un voyage humoristique de plus d’1h15, revisitant l’univers du cinéma et de la télévision et tout droit tiré de l’imagination délirante de Jamel.