The story of Rider of Revenge revolves around a convict on the death row, who has killed many people and hidden a huge stash of loot somewhere. Several parties race against time and each other to get him out of jail, including the dashing daughter of the chief constable (Shang-Kuan Ling Feng), an upright lone swordsman (Tien Peng), a chivalrous young man (Chiang Pin), and gangsters coveting the treasure.

In 1905, revolutionist Sun Yat-Sen visits Hong Kong to discuss plans with Tongmenghui members to overthrow the Qing dynasty. But when they find out that assassins have been sent to kill him, they assemble a group of protectors to prevent any attacks.

In order to wish for immortality and avenge his father, Garlic Jr. collects the dragon balls, kidnapping Goku's son Gohan in the process. Goku, Kami, Piccolo, and Krillin unite to rescue Gohan and save the world from being sucked into a dead zone.

A giant stone statue comes to life to protect the residents of a small town against the depradations of an evil warlord.

William Walker and his mercenary corps enter Nicaragua in the middle of the 19th century in order to install a new government by a coup d'etat.

Fierce females in flowing frocks force fear on fiendish filchers of the Five Phoenixes!! Angela Mao and Chia Ling star as cops on the trail of bandit leader Chang Yi whose gang has stolen the Five Phoenixes' Night Shining Pearl. They confront him at his fortress stronghold in an all out effort to prevent evil from dominating the martial world!

Kevin Hart - playing a version of himself - is on a death-defying quest to become an action star. And with a little help from John Travolta, Nathalie Emmanuel, and Josh Hartnett - he just might pull it off.

Three men with supernatural powers interfere in a tribal warfare to prevent evil Amazons destroying the inhabitants of a village.

A pirate ship, fighting in 1588 on the side of the Spanish Armada, suffers damage and must put into a village on the British coast for repairs. The village is small and isolated and the Spanish convince the villagers that the English fleet has been defeated and that they, the Spanish, are now their masters. This results in the villagers' sullen cooperation, but rumors and unrest begin to spread and soon the Spanish pirates find themselves facing a revolt.

She grows up in a village, protected by a foster mother. Her fearlessness indicates early on that heroic blood is flowing in Lenya's young veins. When her village is raided and many of her friends are murdered, she makes it her business to seek vengeance and fight for justice.

After her father, Golden Rings, is killed by the Deadly Blade, the Moon Goddess sends out invitations to all the top fighters in the region to try and lure out the Deadly Blade and force him to kill his own son. However, things do not go according to plan.

A group of martial arts students are en route to an island that supposedly is home to the ghosts of martial artists who have lost their honor. A Hitler lookalike and his gang are running a female slavery operation on the island as well. Soon, the two groups meet and all sorts of crazy things happen which include cannibal monks, piranhas, zombies, and more!

Two sword-wielding sisters seek revenge against the villains who murdered their family. But these are no ordinary villains — they’re wizards with giant, elasticized tongues who use black magic to control... kung fu gorillas!

Hercules searches for the Seven Thunderbolts of Zeus, which have been stolen by renegade gods.

A Chinese immigrant, recently arrived in America, fights to free Mexican slaves from their cruel master.

Magnificent Mimi is a woman with a destiny and a bright future ahead of her. She is the world's greatest female wrestling champion, she has a loving boyfriend and loyal family members who care and love her. But things take a turn for the worst when Mimi's boyfriend Nick is wounded and her younger brother is shot to death for trying to stiff local druglord Harry Lee. Lee is the toughest and meanest criminal figure in all of Southern California and if you double-cross him, you won't live to see the sun set. Not only does Lee rule his own empire, he also runs the Kumite, a gladitorial fight ring where warriors battle to the death. Mimi knows the police can't touch Lee with a ten foot pole and so she enlists the aid of her martial arts friend Master Vern to teach her kickboxing and tai chi so she can prepare for combat. Vern doesn't think Mimi is ready for Kumite, as it is a place where only one warrior can be left standing and breathing and the one who loses dies.

A woman seeks revenge against a group of gangsters who have taken ownership of her father's company, and hires a man to carry out the task.

A theft of a scroll from a kung fu-society leads to Pai Yu-Cheng getting accused for the theft and most avoid many attacks from heroes trying to regain the scroll.

Fernando Poe, Jr. is back for the fourth time as Panday Flavio to combat evil once more.

Fong Sai Yuk's fight against the water monster.