Mina, a poor girl with a big heart sees stars falling from the sky and turning into Gold Talers before they land. With that money the girl can ask the king to let her parents go home.

A king is married to a woman with golden hair. The queen falls ill, and realising she’s going to die she asks her husband that, if he’d ever remarry, it would be only to a woman as beautiful as her with the same golden hair. Unfortunately, the only one to fit the description is his own daughter, Princess Lotte. He decides to marry her. All she can do is flee. She dirties her face and hands with soot and escapes.

On a cold Christmas Eve, a little girl is shivering in the streets. She has a bundle of matches to sell. She decides to not returns the orphanage, and ran away, in the rundown family home . "If I could light at least one, to have a little warm. Just one to warm me up." This heartbreaking version of Hans Christian Andersen's tale tells how her parents' visions gently accompanied her to death.

Twelve princesses sleep in twelve beds in the same room; every night their doors are securely locked, but in the morning their shoes are found to be worn through as if they had been dancing all night. The king, in mourning, promises his kingdom and a daughter to any man who can discover the princesses'secret within three days and three nights, but those who fail within the set time limit will be put to death.

One Christmas, a knight garbed all in green appears in King Arthur's Court and challenges any knight to hew off his head on the proviso that he be allowed to return the axe stroke afterwards. All of King Arthur's other knights being frightened, Sir Gawain takes up the challenge and hacks off the green knight's head. The green knight then gives Gawain a year to find his home and live a little before the cut is returned.

Once upon a time there was a orphan. The new stepmother and her daughter, Annabella, treat her badly and let her sleep in the ashes. One morning, in the woods, Cinderella meets a hunter who turns out to be Prince Victor.

When the farm boy Felix is born with a caul, the rumor spreads in no time that this boy can succeed in anything. One day he would even marry the princess - he just has to trust in his own destiny. But the king and alchemist Ottokar, however is obsessed only with gold and wealth, seeks to kill the child, by throwing him in a river.

Alma manages to obtain a job as a court painter with the bourgeois prince Philip, passionate about botany. When he sees a portrait of her sister, the beautiful Christine, he immediately falls in love. But the Baroness has plans for her own daughter. Fortunately the faithful Shaky is still here.

Since the Prince disappeared there are years. The Kingdom is not going well because the King does not tolerate laughter.

Helene is forced by her wicked stepmother Gertrud to do works impossible to done. When she builds a castle for her with the help of the fairy Cleo, there is only room for Helene, in the cellar. One day, Prince Lassmann ride near the castle.

One day Little Red Cap’s mother tells her that her grandmother is sick, and sends her to her house to bring her a piece of cake, a bottle of wine and medicine. To arrive at her grandmother’s house the girl must cross the woods, and there she meets a bad old wolf.

A poor peasant woman lives in a cabin in the woods. She grows two rose-trees in front of her house, one with white roses and one with red. When the flowers bloomed she had two children, both girls. She named them both after the trees, Snow White and Rose Red respectively. They have an adventure involving a bad dwarf and a bewitched bear.

Mercurius haunts the village. Dr. Malick Roth and his sister, herbalist Eda, want to capture him again, with the help of their students Sophia and Jakob.

Once upon a time, there was a brother and sister named Hansel and Gretel who get lost in the forest. The father searches actively his children with the help of the Herb Fairy Marie. The lost siblings wander around for a while, and then they find a house of gingerbread, biscuit and chocolate. A witch kindly invites the children, but behind the sweet temptation lurks danger ...

When she was a child, Ludmilla was the treasure of her parents, She worked, sewed, washed, and spun as much as seven ordinary people, and Ludmilla was “As Pretty as Seven.” But on account of her pretty face, everybody stared at her; and, as she did not like this, she put a veil over her face. The young peasant beyond her beauty is a humble woman who doesn't rely on her beauty alone but her strength of character, her education and on true love. The poor farmer's daughter veils her face, but that doesn't prevent Arthur, the Prince of the kingdom from recognizing her true inner beauty and falling deeply in love with her. The King cannot accept such a union. Her parent's farmhouse is burned. To save her life, she decides to change her identity by disguising herself as a valet and will henceforth be called Misfortune. “As Pretty as Seven was once my name, But it changed to Misfortune when here I came.”.

Undine rescues a prince from drowning, and leaves him unconscious on shore, where he can be found, but she has already fallen in love with him. Unable to enjoy life below the waves, the mermaid makes a deal with the Sea Witch to become human. The mermaid must also give her voice as payment. And her humanity is only conditional: if she can make the prince fall in love with her and marry her, she can gain a share in his soul and be truly human, but if he marries another, she will die at the next sunrise. It turns out that the witch only made her believe she would die if the prince married another as a Secret Test of Character: by refusing to kill the prince even to save her own life, she proves that she already has a soul. So she remains human, gets her voice back, and sets out to explore the world.

There is great sadness in the small village Everywhere. Since the Golden Thaler is no longer owned by the village, nothing grows there except cabbage and discouragement.

Strong Hans and Princess Sarah wants to find out why the source that is vital for their village has dried up.

Gaspard is menestrel at the court of King Wilbur. He and Princess Ella love each other and want to get married and discover the world together. But Ella's father King Wilbur does not accept it. He traps Gaspard in a dungeon and makes his daughter believe that he has gone around the world. In prison, Gaspard meets Lucas "The Strong", who is stronger than 10 men, and Flora "The Witch", who orders plants. Thanks to Lucas, they escape from prison, and on their way they meet Marcus "The Runner", who carries an anvil in his bag to prevent himself from running faster than the wind; Benjamin "The Marksman", who has a view that carries further than that of an eagle; and Lisa "The Icy", who has a breath of ice.

Once Upon a Time there lived a brave man, Michael, who was unaware what fear is. At the same time, Princess Elisabeth lived with her father, the king, in a makeshift tent city, because their castle was uninhabitable and haunted by ghosts, its treasure cursed. If he wants to know how to shudder, he should visit this Haunted Castle.