While, all over the world, multiple wild species are threatened, raccoons are displaying an unprecedented expansion. Beneath the innocent and graceful plush exterior hides an unparalleled "survivor" temperament. Omnivorous, curious, intelligent and extremely adaptable, raccoons prove to be very good at overcoming any challenge thrown by humans. But how do these clever creatures manage to survive both in the wild and in urban settings? Set in one summer in Georgia, USA, this film follows a litter of young raccoons from birth to adulthood on Jekyll Island.

'Guadalquivir' is a feature length documentary directed by Joaquín Gutiérrez that features a fox, an animal that has adapted, living in packs and alone and that is a carnivore, vegetarian and even carrion. The camera follows the path of the fox by the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas.

Bokanowski returns to the complex - and mind-bending - optical array of pinholes, mirrors, prisms, and refractive substrates of his earlier film, La Plage to create the whimsical and playful Au bord du lac. The film is composed of mundane, everyday scenes of recreation and leisure on an idyllic, sunny day at a park that overlooks a lake - rowing a boat, playing a game of volleyball, rollerskating, bicycling, reading a newspaper, sunbathing, riding on horseback, or strolling on the promenade - shot through optical distortions to create fractured and knotted images that resemble embellished, gothic fairytale illustrations or appear to resolve into morphing, geometric patterns of fluid motion. Evoking the vibrant colors and sun-soaked palette of an invigorated Vincent van Gogh in Arles, Bokanowski transforms the quotidian into an infinitely mesmerizing dynamic kaleidoscope of shape-shifting textures and self-reconstituting objects of organic, abstract art.

Filmmaker Mark Cousins goes to Albania for five days, and films what he sees. He discovers that the movie prints in the country's film archive are decaying. In investigating this, Cousins begins to encounter bigger questions about the history and memory of a place. Perhaps a country whose 20th Century, dominated by its authoritarian ruler Enver Hoxha, was so traumatic, should allow its film heritage to fade away? Perhaps a national forgetting should be welcomed? Influenced by the films of Chris Marker, Cousins' film broadens to consider the architecture of dictators and the great icon paintings of Onufri. In the past, when cartographers knew little about a country, they wrote on it Here be Dragons. Albania was, for decades, one of the least well know countries in the world. Cousins' road movie meditation takes the advice of Goethe: "If you would understand the poet, you must go to the poet's land."

An audio-visual experience documenting what happens when Josh Garrels and Mason Jar Music go to an island to try to create something beautiful.

Swedish thrash metal band, Cornucopia make their debut album "The Seventh Seal"

The term “Afrofuturism” was coined decades ago to describe an artistic and cultural tradition that pre-dates the transatlantic slave trade. From the poetry of Phillis Wheatley, to Martin R. Delany’s alt-history novel Blake, to Sun Ra’s avant-garde music to Marvel’s Black Panther (the special’s premiere coincides with the release of that blockbuster film’s sequel, Wakanda Forever), the African American experience has been explored and reimagined through a speculative, even cosmically scaled lens for centuries, in a variety of artistic mediums. The special seeks to explore the concept through conversation and performance, as some of today’s most influential Black musicians, writers, dancers and theorists come together to share their ideas and artistry as they celebrate the historical and cultural impact of Afrofuturism.

This film is from a truly unbiased view into some of the city's unknown secrets. Everybody was given the chance to tell their side of the story. Exclusive interview with Belgium star singer song writer Louis who wrote the city's most famous song 'Pattaya-Pattaya' which is constantly played in most of the bars. For the first time ever Pattaya has been given the voice it deserves.

In works like “Guide Dog Ruepel” (1962), Bärbl Bergmann was the first feature film director in the GDR to portray children in their often pitiless but also honest dealings with each other, something that was almost impossible in the documentary films of that period. But she also managed to sneak lessons on how to pursue educational goals with creative obstinacy into popular science films. Thus her educational piece about two boys who discover that magic, too, requires hard work, despite its rational approach, is far from disenchanting: The protagonists reach their conclusion via detours that take them through mysterious corridors, furtive looks through keyholes and bewitching dreams.

“Won’t make it today, hope you don’t mind.” A casual call, the husband will be late again, not to be expected before eight. He is an officer in the National People’s Army, still young, but with a lot of postings under his belt, always accompanied by his wife. She has resigned herself to her fate, while he flourishes enviably in his profession. Róża Berger-Fiedler spends most of the time by his side, following him in brisk cuts from appointment to appointment. Talking is required and demanded constantly: to representatives of the Soviet armed forces, young recruits, subordinates. Words come easy to him, but not everything runs smoothly.

"Portavoce" (Megaphone) traces back the evolution of a culture of protest in Romania, developing in recent years, through the voices and opinions of key actors involved in social mobilization, in direct actions and in the development of a cultural scene favorable to political involvement.

For this inform­at­ive new one-off, film writer Ian Nathan focuses on the first 60 years of British film, from the inven­tion of cinema and the trans­ition from stage to screen, to the emer­gence of the stu­dios and the first pop­u­lar idols. Nathan takes us through the work of lead­ing Brit­ish film-makers — a tal­ent pool that, like Hol­ly­wood’s, benefited from the influx of refugees flee­ing Europe — includ­ing Alfred Hitch­cock, Pow­ell and Press­bur­ger, and many more besides.

Entre Destinos poetically explores the travel stories of ordinary people who wander through a bus station in a celebration of the beauty we can find in the mundane.

In this new video essay, filmmaker Alexandre O. Philippe delves into the dread-inducing mood and tone of Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s modern horror classic Cure, deploying a dizzying range of cinematic references to unravel the film’s eerie magic.

The extraordinary journey of Adebayo 'The Beast' Akinfenwa, twenty-years defying the odds; adored by fans, respected throughout the sport and commanding more attention than most.