Sex, Lies and Butterflies (2018)
看見台灣 (2013)
Das ABC der Serengeti (2006)
L'empereur (2017)
Nightlife (1976)
The Hellstrom Chronicle (1971)
Bugs! (2003)
Kliou the Killer (1935)
Bears (2004)
Wings 3D (2014)
Hľadači utajených svetov (2010)
Hometown Habitat, Stories of Bringing Nature Home
plant portals: breath (2020)
Ukryté v lese, schované v tŕstí (2014)
Das geheime Leben der Rothirsche (2020)
Nah dran - Der Kampf um die Kohle (2018)
Expedition Croc Attack (2015)
National Geographic: Land of the Tiger (1985)
James River Sturgeon (2013)
No Otter Zone (2012)