Jaws of Steel (1927)
By Right of Purchase (1918)
Отцы и дети (1915)
Ястребиное гнездо (1916)
Fifth Avenue Models (1925)
False Colors (1914)
Dida Ibsens Geschichte (1918)
The New Moon (1919)
Meir Ezofowicz (1911)
So sind die Männer (1923)
The Marriage Lie (1918)
A Soul for Sale (1917)
The Iron Hand (1916)
The Whirlpool of Destiny (1916)
A Romance of Billy Goat Hill (1916)
Barriers of Society (1916)
The Social Buccaneer (1916)
Плебей (1915)
Сашка-семинарист (1915)
Малютка Элли (1918)