The Last Roundup (1943)
A Close Shave (1996)
迷影 - mei'ei (Ghost World 4) (2019)
Fresh Hare (1942)
Down with Cats (1943)
Metamorfòso (1991)
Inki and the Minah Bird (1943)
The Weakly Reporter (1944)
The Gay Parisian (1942)
Guten Appetit (1996)
The Writer
Mardi Gras (1943)
The Sensational Cat-Man (2023)
Nigel (2020)
Línea 17 (2021)
It's Nifty to Be Thrifty (1944)
Pilgiftsgrodorna (2007)
Historien om Lilla och Stora Kanin (1982)
Yowie and the Magpie (2008)
Octane (2018)