Les Invalides: La construction d'un symbole (2019)
L'amatore (2016)
Orsay, les grandes métamorphoses (2020)
Berlin Babylon (2001)
We Feed the World (2005)
If You Build It (2013)
Doar o răsuflare (2016)
Reconstituirea (1960)
REM (2016)
Reimagining A Buffalo Landmark (2019)
Simetrias (2023)
Gares de Paris : Un patrimoine révélé (2020)
Toorumi Pojad (1989)
Así Nació el Obelisco (1936)
Arquitetura, A Transformação do Espaço (1972)
Drahý mistře (1996)
The Michelangelo Code: Lost Secrets of the Sistine Chapel (2008)
Alvar Aalto (1972)
Jean Nouvel: Guthrie Theater (2008)
Arata Isozaki: Early work in Japan (1985)