Det är roligt att ge upp och erkänna att det var bättre förr. Henrik Schyffert tycker det i alla fall. Mobbaren från Killinggänget har nämligen fått grånande tinningar och börjat fundera över sin generations historia. Varför blev saker och ting som de blev? Henrik Schyffert har kommit för att ge oss perspektiv. I en ömsint men rolig monolog står han upp för sig själv och sin mission att reclaima the 90's!

France's darling comedian came back in force on the boards in the fall of 2009 with this hour and a half show, inspired by her experience of motherhood and her daily life as a young mother .

A comedy about depression, alcoholism, suicide and the other funniest parts of life. Gethard holds nothing back as he dives into his experiences with mental illness and psychiatry, finding hope in the strangest places. An adaption of his one-man off-Broadway show of the same name.

"This is my 10th Show. It has to be celebrated !!! For the occasion I decided to give the floor to women !!! This is my first one-womanshow. Me as a woman .... I guarantee that men are going to take it up in the face… me first !!! " J-M Bigard

Spalding Gray sits behind a desk throughout the entire film and recounts his exploits and chance encounters while playing a minor role in the film 'The Killing Fields'. At the same time, he gives a background to the events occurring in Cambodia at the time the film was set.

Like a lion too old, Franck Dubosc breaks the bars of his golden prison to flee to the end of the world far from trouble ... Until he misses everything. Once again wild, it is too late to return, but early enough to draw any conclusions, about the not-so-bad world.

Famed comedian/writer Del Shores (Sordid Lives, Queer As Folk) shares the real-life stories that inspired his writing in this hilarious one-man show recorded live during his critically acclaimed tour across the U.S.