Greta Garbo: The Temptress and the Clown (1986)
Berlin, die Symphonie der Großstadt (1927)
El mar se mueve en una espiral (2018)
Crabes et crevettes (1930)
Nanook of the North (1922)
The Police Tapes (1977)
Growing Girls (1949)
Ténérife (1932)
Carmencita (1894)
Calgary Stampede (1948)
Домашна работа (предилки) (1905)
Дефиле на воен оркестар, кочии и коњаници (1908)
Прослава на Ѓурѓовден (1905)
Around China with a Movie Camera (2016)
Opening of the Kiel Canal (1895)
Belgrade (1945)
Silent Shakespeare (2000)
Mark Twain (1909)
Geschichte einer Sandrose (1961)
Camal (2001)