O Artista e a Força do Pensamento (2021)
The Queen of Trees (2005)
Das geheime Leben der Bäume (2020)
The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye (2012)
The Sound of Identity (2020)
El sol del membrillo (1992)
Ocaña: retrat intermitent (1978)
Mrs. Peanut Visits New York (1999)
Better Than Andy - The Crazy Finn is Here (2009)
Whatever Happened to Gelitin (2016)
Tree (2024)
The Lure and the Lore (1988)
The Long Rainbow (2024)
Becoming Sons & Daughters (2012)
Chybění (2023)
Mi arma (2019)
Pistolteatern (2004)
Suêtes (1999)
Starý smrk vypravuje (1948)
My Trip to Miami