Bowling for Columbine (2002)
Hail Satan? (2019)
Jesus Camp (2006)
Robber of the Cruel Streets (2006)
Mary's Land (2013)
Shoot Me (2013)
The L Word Mississippi: Hate the Sin (2014)
Hostage to the Devil (2016)
Homeland Gone (2020)
Life After Death: Quantum Realms (2017)
This American Journey (2013)
Capilla del Diablo (2020)
Kidneys for Jesus (2003)
Púlpito e Parlamento: Evangélicos na Política (2016)
Der Schwarze Kanal oder Armes Deutschland (1992)
gOD-Talk (2023)
George for Real (2015)
The Seeker (2020)
Pilgrimage (1958)
Kardinál Jozef Tomko (2013)