Animation short based on a story by Horacio Quiroga.

Minnesota 1880: The trust of three Norwegian sisters is tested when a stranger appears on their prairie. When the eldest invites him in to heal her dying sister, she doesn’t realize that a supernatural force is crossing her threshold.

Mikaela has undergone vaginoplasty. One night at a bar, she meets a guy and takes him back to her place.

Vala and Benni are on the road and struggle to find a mutual purpose in their new destination.

A girl wraps her grandmother in a spiral of fantasy, causing amnesia to her.

A restless young man wants to leave love and the Earth behind.

A high school student girl named Duru gets ready for the Turkish university exam, but things don't go as planned as she gets forced to deal with a sad reality.

Twenty-year-old Eugène is somewhat aimless and has not been doing well in university. He is staying in a small village for the summer. He awkwardly seduces Pierre, a slightly older man who is working for Mathilde as caretaker for the season. Pierre is initially open to the relationship, but quickly becomes reluctant to become too involved.

'Cactus Boy' tells the story of Winston Prickle, a grown man who decides to break up with his childhood imaginary friend, Cactus Man.

Lucia, pregnant with her first child, prepares herself to be a single mother

After finding some videos she uploaded to YouTube when she was a child, Manuela attempts to follow the trail she herself has left on the Internet. A search that looks into all that things that won't never die and that, especially, thinks about the way we look at ourselves.

Ubi Sunt. Porto. Cartography of an imaginary place attracted by the margins (social and geographical) Hybrid and eclectic project, it is the outcome of a audiovisual research residency of humam and urban exploration of an expanding city. Ubi sunt qui ante nos fuerunt?, meaning "Where are those who were before us?". Reflective essay on mortality and life's transience, it emerges from that dialectic, of a and episodic and fragmented structure with a choreographed cinematography; where the memory intersects the contemporary.

A Saxon prisoner rescues his Viking's captor's daughter, resulting in his freedom and their marriage.

A short film that delves deep into the psyche of young protagonist Will. Follow the intriguing tale of Will as he finds himself captivated and consumed by his obsession with a girl named Bliss.

Workers are doing their work on construction site. But something unexpected calls them away... from the city... And that is only the begginging...

When a young gangster fails his first mission he must confront the enigmatic mafia leader: The Fluffioso

Can Apollo speak? An opportunity to make friends arise after receiving his first invite to a party.