Three Outlaws came across a stranded baby and must decide to save the child or escape from the law.

Rival telephone crews are in a race to be the first to connect telephone service between Rawlings and Cheynne, Wyoming. Lineman Tom Remington's girlfriend is the daughter of one crew foreman, who wants to win the race in order to re-establish himself in the business. However, the foreman of the other crew has his own scheme to win the race, and will stop at nothing--including kidnapping--to accomplish it.

Based on a Peter B. Kyne novel, The Enchanted Hill featureds a triangle romance between Jack Holt, rancher's daughter Mary Brian and jealous foreman Richard Arlen.

Pinto Peters and his pal Chuckwalla Bill ride into town just as the editor of the local newspaper is being urged to leave by a gang of thugs led by Joe Reedly. The pair give the editor $100 and get a bill of sale for the newspaper, only to find out later that Reedly holds a mortgage of $200 against it. This they pay off and start a campaign to clean up the town. They meet with considerable opposition until they enlist the services of Judge Fay.

Helen, wrongly suspected of murder, escapes to the refuge of Jim's Ranch, where love soon blooms.

A cowboy is falsely accused of killing the local sheriff. Fleeing the law, Wilson obtains a job on a ranch.

Steve and Tom are rivals for the hand of Mona.

Mildred is traveling West in search of her long-lost father when she catches the roving eye of wicked dance-hall proprietor "Hawk" Kent. She turns him down flat and Kent has his henchman Blaze frame her in a crime. To keep herself out of jail, Mildred is compelled to work in Kent's dive, until the gallant Jack comes to her rescue.

The Brockton clan considers the mountain Little Smoky their own, but then the government comes in and declares it a forest and game preserve. This doesn't stop the family, who swears they will do what they want with the land.

The life of Sam Houston, soldier, statesman, patriot and one of the founders of the Republic of Texas, is depicted.

Clay Burgess (Tom Mix), a drifter, returns to the small town of Palo to find the president of the bank -- his father -- murdered and the unscrupulous "Big" Dave Dawley (George Nichols) in charge.

Tom Mix plays Tim, a goodhearted cowpuncher who, while riding down a trail, gets robbed of the money he was carrying for the Belgian Babies' Milk Fund.

Bat "No Limit" Carson, U.S. deputy marshal has to battle all types of varmints, including crooked dance hall proprietor "Con" Norton and his star entertainer, Fay La Cross. The booty is various gold shipments, and the beautiful heroine hails from the East.

Steve, ambitious to outstrip his rivals, Slim and Tex, in a race for Betty's hand, orders a dress-snit by mail. The spike-tail is an awful fit and Steve retires from Betty's inspection anything but pleased. He gives the "fixins" to a Mexican, who in turn suffers from the hands of the populace when he makes his appearance in public, and is finally suspiciously pursued by a posse.

My Own Pal takes Tom Mix out of his customary western surroundings and plunks him in the middle of New York City.

Ranger Job "Blue Streak" McCoy helps a miner and his pretty young daughter who are trying to protect their valuable mine from a gang leader who wants to take it.

The honest John Graham and the crooked Ross Cheswick battle for supremacy. Despite Cheswick's unscrupulous methods, Dan and his handsome bronco Tarzan win the Big Race for Graham. Dan's prize: Graham's lovely daughter Sally.

Assigned to catch a gang of outlaws, officers Bruce Kenton and Paddy Halloran rescue Helen Morgan when her wagon is attacked by the very same gang. Through a ruse, Kenton manages to infiltrate the gang, which is holed up in the lawless community of Caribou Flats. While in the employ of villainous trading post operator Jack Blake, Kenton discovers that Blake is not only the leader of the gang but also the man who murdered Helen's brother.

After a work crew stringing telegraph wires across the Great Plains is slaughtered by Indians, Pat O'Leary, the company superintendent, must take out another supply train to make the dangerous trip across open country. The Indians attack and are driven off. On the day the wires are finally strung, the settlers gather to hear the first message from the East.

Dick Scott takes his Wild West show to the Balkan kingdom of Alvania where the boy king of the country commands the troupe to give a performance. The king is greatly impressed with the American cowboys and makes them his palace guard. The prime minister starts a revolution, and Dick and the Americans put it down. The boy king sanctions a romance between Scott and Ruth Elliott, the royal governess.