O Outro Lado do Cartão-Postal (2016)
The Seven Five (2015)
Operation Odessa (2018)
Unguarded (2011)
What's in My Baggie? (2014)
Heroin(e) (2017)
Deep Web (2015)
Belushi (2020)
Take Your Pills (2018)
Dancing with the Devil (2009)
Pay-Off In Pain (1948)
Paha poliisi (2017)
Something's Happening (1967)
Mondo Mod (1967)
Les junkies d'Adolf Hitler (2015)
LSD made in ČSSR (2015)
America paese di Dio (1966)
The Oasis (2008)
Reading, Writing, and Reefer (1979)
op. (a short film) (2024)