Ben-Hur (1959)
The African Queen (1952)
Der rote Elvis (2007)
L'arrivée d'un train à La Ciotat (1896)
Das ABC der Serengeti (2006)
Independence Day (1996)
The Swamp (2020)
Il treno va a Mosca (2013)
Roar (1981)
ประชาธิป'ไทย (2013)
Leatherlip (1972)
The Enchanted Forest of the Pygmy Hippopotamus (1998)
No Time to Fail (2022)
Ukraine-Pologne: la frontière de la solidarité (2022)
Redoubt (2019)
The Mountain (2024)
Fairy Shrimp (2013)
James River Sturgeon (2013)
Expedition Croc Attack (2015)
General Idea: Art, AIDS and the fin de siècle (2008)